Archives for October 2011

Shuttle Services

If you have ever been to a big city, you know getting around can be a pain. I have been to a few big cities, and I will be honest, I am not a fan! When I was younger we went to Chicago, we stayed almost right by the air port, talk about a fun time sleeping. I was young so we had fun watching out the window as the planes landed and took off. As people boarded the shuttles to find their hotel rooms, or to take them off to their meetings. When you are in big cities like that you want to contact a shuttle service to get you around. Trust me let someone that knows their way around do the driving for you! Chicago Airport Shuttle Service has been doing it for over 20 years so your best bet would be to stick with them. If you are new to the area and you drive, be prepared to get lost. When we stayed in Chicago we drove, and if I was to do the trip again, I would shuttle it. Not only does this keep me from losing my mind, it saves me on some gas. If you are in the Chicago area, I suggest … [Read more...]

Hire a Court Reporter

If you are familiar with the court systems, you know it is always smart to have someone on your end taking notes. Although, it isn't always needed, sometimes having a detailed log of what went on will help you later down the road. Whether you are the lawyer or the Client, hiring a Court Reporting Service would be extremely helpful to your case, and will benefit both Lawyer, and Client. If you are the client you maybe wondering how such service would benefit you. You maybe thinking this will only make your bill go up more. With having someone taking notes, there will be a detailed dialog of what happened. So there will be no "I don't remembers" and if there is, well the logs can be pulled to refresh memories. This will also help your Lawyer recall what was said on the opposite side. I have learned it is always smart to keep notes. Whether it is at a parent teacher conference, or a work meeting. When my daughter went to public schools, I was not a note taker, and the teacher had … [Read more...]

Purses and Bags

At what age did your daughter start showing interest in purses and bags? My daughter is 10 and has been playing with purses and bags since she was about 3! If she has a bag and her toys fit, in they go. I guess this is her way of getting all her toys at once. Whenever we are in the store if she sees a bag she likes she is wanting me to purchase it. Once we get home she is organizing her things... Which set of toys go in this bag what set go in that one. She currently has a bag for her littlest pets, her squinkies, monster high dolls, her purse contains her "make-up" and money. Now don't get me wrong I have many bags/purses as well, but I am a momma I should have a million and one bags. I need those bags for grocery shopping to cut down on trash, I need them for packing small lunches when we are going to be gone for awhile, when she was younger I needed them for her diapers. Now that I think about it, can one have way to many bags? Purses is a different story, I only have one … [Read more...]

Lunch for Under $5

Whether you are feeding a family lunch or just the kids, this is one of those must have on hand recipes. I guess you would call this the poor mans Tuna Casserole. 1 Box Mac and Cheese 1 Can Tuna Fish 1 Can Sweet Peas. Cook the macaroni and cheese as directed. Once you have that cooked mix in the tuna and peas, heat and serve. Takes less than 10 minutes to make, and I personally think this is super yummy. If you are feeding more then a few people add another box of mac and cheese and another can of tuna. If you can find the items on sale then you can make a double batch for under 2 dollars. I paid 50 cents each for my macaroni and cheese, 44 cents for my peas and 50 cents for my tuna fish. It is all about shopping smart. … [Read more...]

Christmas Ideas for New Homeowners

With Christmas not far away I am sure most have started those lists. My list is started and to be honest, it's blank in most places because I have no clue what to get some. If you are like me you want to get the ones you love the perfect gift, not just some random item just so they have a present from you. Here is a few things I do to help prepare myself when it comes time to purchase those gifts. I make a like of what the person likes/dislikes. When making those lists some things to take into consideration is... What has the person been talking about needing lately? What are some of the persons interests? Is this person just started out on their own? If this person is just starting out on their own maybe some nice furniture?  You can usually find cheap sectionals that are nice and would be perfect for the new homeowner. If that is out of your price range, you can pick up some nice decor to help make their home more of a home. If the new homeowner is a male, and this … [Read more...]

Question of The Day

The other day I was showing my daughter my new drivers license. With moving back to Michigan it meant getting new plates, and a new drivers license. She exams it, and says "You look prettier on this one, then on the one from Tennessee" I started to laugh and thanked her. She then asks why it says that bad word on it. I was a bit puzzled on what she was asking, then she goes that s word. Referring to SEX, I have tried to explain to her, that the word sex is not bad, that it refers to whether you are a boy or a girl. She then asks "Well, why don't they but Gender, instead?" Good question. So the Question of the day is... Why does the DMV put on the driver's license Sex, instead of Gender? My theory is Sex is shorter and cheaper to add to the license. I thought it was pretty smart of her to ask the question. What is your guess? … [Read more...]

Home Healthcare

In 2007, my father in law passed away due to lung cancer. I watched day in and day out him trying his hardest to fight the cancer. When we first discovered cancer was the issue he was having. The doctor prepared him by telling him he was only looking at 3 to 6 months. This was one of the hardest bits of news my husband and I had to deal with together as a family. Thankfully we got a whole 13 months with him, but I personally feel it wasn't enough. My father in law was an amazing man, he always seen the brighter side of things. After seeing him go through all that, it made me want to see about going into home health, I know I will not be a miracle worker and take the pain away from those fighting cancer, but I can be there for them, more then I was my father in law. I can be there shoulder when they need someone besides family to talk to. I think though trying to start a career while my daughter is young is not going to happen I need to focus on her education, and being her momma. … [Read more...]

Dear Mister President by Pink

My daughter has this thing, were she will only listen to female singers. One of her favorite being Pink. I never heard of her until my daughter showed me who she liked. I started searching youtube and I came across one of her songs, and my eyes got watery. This song speaks the truth... For the sake of our children, I hope things change soon. … [Read more...]

Is it spring cleaning time yet

I despise cleaning, probably because it seems like there is always something to be cleaned. I know with Spring cleaning it means warmer weather is fast approaching. I am not ready for winter, so maybe if I think about the  carpets getting a good scrubbing it will make the winter go by faster! A few carpet cleaning tips I like to follow when I am doing the job myself, is I always make sure the carpet is completely cleaned. I find the carpet cleaner works better when I am not sucking up left over dirt in with the water. I also like to use vinegar with a small amount of essential oils, this is a cheap way to get the job done. I try to always clean the carpets on a nice sunny day, with the windows open. This allows for a faster dry time, I also place a few fans in the room. The faster the carpet gets dried the faster I can put the furniture back in place, and prop my feet up and relax. I try to clean my carpets twice a year, this way it keeps the carpet looking new. However, if I … [Read more...]

How To Get Freebie’s

Everyone keeps blaming the economy for everything. However, it isn't the economy, it is the dumb-asses we have running the Government. Here is the thing, our Government wants us to think the economy is so bad, so that is why certain things are they way they are... But if you honestly sat back and looked at everything the only thing in the economy that has changed is how things are ran... The Government thinks we are stupid, they think if they jack prices up, we will pay for them. They think they have us all figured out... so what do we do, we clip coupons. We search online for the best deals... I mean who wants to pay .50 cents for a roll of toilet paper? Not me. Here are a few ways I use to get around a "bad economy". I use coupons, if I do not have a coupon for something, or it isn't on sale I do not purchase it. I search online for "freebies" I sure do, usually when a company sends you free products they also send you coupons, if you watch for the deals, you can usually get the … [Read more...]