My Cheat Day On Keto

This has been a very good journey thus far. My biggest weakness is pizza, I love pizza. I have tried a few different keto at home pizza and they just wasn't the same. I got in a stall so figured I would attempt a cheat day to trick my body. I woke up and had me a mocha monster I bought the night before for my cheat day. My eye site was a bit fuzzy I am assuming because I put 37g of carb in my body first thing when I usually have less than 20 g a day. I honestly felt like I was high! I kinda felt pretty good. I then ordered me some PIZZA! I got the lunch combo from Little Caesars, I gave the soda to my daughter though and drank water all day. After two pieces I felt super full. Within an hour I was hungry and eating the remaining two pieces. I would say about 2 oclock my pizza was gone and I was super tired and I was extremely hungry. I just drank my water. I checked my ketosis level with my blood and it was .3 before I cheated it was 1.6 to 2.6. Since I was feeling super … [Read more...]

Keto is based on Ingredients

One thing I have learned while doing keto is why it's important to keep net carb 20g or below, it's even more important to check your ingredients. I have only been doing keto for almost 6 weeks, I am in no way a professional when it comes to the keto lifestyle. I am learning along with thousands of other people. I have noticed people are using carb manager to tell them if a product is keto or not. The problem with carb manager is it only states whether the product falls within certain macros. I have noticed a lot of companies marketing products as keto, when in fact they contain non-keto ingredients. If you're new to keto please research keto friendly ingredients. Look at ingredients first... watch for hidden sugars. Remember, grains are a no, soy is a no, corn is a no, surcralose is a no. If you keep things simple you'll do great. I am currently down 17 pounds and 15 inches. I feel amazing! If you're having problems finding things to cook, utilize social media, pinterest, … [Read more...]

Keto Is It The Right Choice For You

My weight has always been a consistent struggle. I played yo-yo with the scales for years getting to 315 a few different times, losing about 50 pounds then getting back up to 315 and then over the course of a few years losing that weight. With having PCOS and being insulin resistant it's not easy when it comes to battling the weight. I have sat on the fence for a long while on whether I should go keto. I see as those around me do keto and I see all the hype online about keto. I did my research and decided I would give keto a try. On August 31st, I went full on. I love my carbs, my pizza, my pasta, my miracle whip, but my carbs were causing me a great deal of problems. Since starting keto I have learned so much and the way I feel has changed a great deal! In the past three weeks of doing full keto I have lost 14 pounds, I can see a change in my face and the way my  clothes are fitting. I have learned that several companies out there advertising keto products, yet the ingredients … [Read more...]

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

I have been up and down on the scales most my life. It seems like once I start losing weight and doing well, I go through a depression state where I love to snack. In my mind having a snack here and there isn't hurting anything I mean it's only so many calories. However, those calories can add up quickly. I love my coffee, but my coffee is made with roughly half coffee half delicious creamer. So I guess you can say I love my creamer. I can drink coffee all day every day, but the problem is my own cup okay it is more like two cups of coffee in the morning is roughly 200 calories. If I had three a day that equals 600 calories and isn't including any of my meals! No wonder I can't lose weight, no wonder the scale was slowly climbing. I was counting calories, I was somewhat portion controlling, I would lose 5 pounds then bam it came back, until I discovered Intermittent Fasting. I still am not sure of all the science behind. However, I do know I can only eat between 10am and 6pm. … [Read more...]

Trying To Figure Out This Weight Loss Thing

Losing weight has always been a challenge for me. When I left my husband back in December 2017 I ended up losing 50 pounds within 4 months. I went through a depression state a few months later and ended up gaining some of the weight back. December 2018 I was finally after a year of living with family members able to get my daughter and I into our own place. Having my own kitchen gave me the ability to cook and stay away from fast food. This kept my weight pretty stable. I then decided I had to do something so I started counting calories. I will never understand this whole counting calories... One place says stay between 1500 to 1700 to lose weight another place says I should be eating almost 3000 calories a day... The key I guess is the foods you eat. That I think is the hardest part the cutting the sugar and carbs out. I love my carbs! I went and bought a bunch of healthy choice freezer foods. I mean its all counted out for you how can I go wrong right? I was doing pretty good the … [Read more...]

Why You’re Not Losing As Much Weight As You’d Hope

It can feel pretty empowering to take a stand and proclaim (to yourself): “I’m going to lose weight!” But there’s one surefire way for your enthusiasm to take a nosedive, and that is if you’re not making as much progress as you’d like to make. However, there’s no reason to call the whole thing off: it’s possible that there’s a variable factor that’s stopping you from shedding as many pounds as you’d like. Below, we take a look at seven reasons the weight may not be falling off. You’ve Just Started Rome wasn’t built in a day! Losing weight is like anything else in life, it takes time. If you’ve been dieting for a week and you’re barely noticing any changes, then it’s not the end of the world. The journey has only just begun, and it won’t be until you’re further along than you begin to see changes. If you find this difficult to accept, or have doubts about how legitimate it is, think of it this way: a person who visited a gym to build muscle wouldn’t see any results for six weeks … [Read more...]

9 Natural Alternatives for Prescription Drugs for Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry or unease about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. For many, anxiety is a chronic issue that is exacerbated by the daily ills of life. Unfortunately for many, prescription drugs are the only recourse to solve their anxiety. People do not realize that there are natural alternatives to fight anxiety. 1. Exercise One of the best things that you can do for anxiety, stress or any form of mental issue is to go out and get active. Many medical professionals recommend at least 30 minutes of any form of exercise per day would be ideal. Whether this is going to the gym and lifting some weights or simply taking a morning walk around the neighborhood, a lot of stress can be relieved with exercise. Besides the many cardiovascular benefits that regular exercise has, it has also shown to reduce anxiety in stressful situations. Simple, yet effective. 2. Meditation Meditation is also a very simple, but powerful technique that you can … [Read more...]

Ways to Prevent 3 Common Sports Injuries and Ailments

Sports physical therapists don’t just help athletes recover after an injury. They also give them the resources to prevent future injuries. Here are a few injury prevention tips that athletes of all skill levels can use to stay fit on the field. Preventing Overuse Injuries Sports are a great way to stay healthy, build character, and learn the importance of teamwork. When athletes work too hard, however, they increase their risk for overuse injuries. These injuries aren’t as obvious as broken bones or wrist fractures, which are known as acute injuries. Acute injuries occur when a single, traumatic incident harms the body. Overuse injuries, on the other hand, are the result of repetitive trauma. Examples include shin splints and tendonitis. Overuse injuries can lead to pain, dizziness, weakness, skin irritation, and more. To prevent these injuries, athletes should always warm-up and cool-down before and after they exercise. Strength training and flexibility exercises can minimize the … [Read more...]

Even An Apple A Day Isn’t Enough To Keep You Away From Your Doctor

When to comes to health, most of us are pretty good at turning a blind eye to warning signs. While it’s true that we’re living in a nation of hypochondriacs (thank you Google), many of us also ignore these worries. We may spend time diagnosing ourselves, but few of us do anything about it. For the most part, it is true that self-diagnosis is often off-the-mark. But, ignoring these things altogether could lead to problems. Even if you’re getting the diagnosis wrong, something is going on for you to be searching in the first place. Rather than assuming it’s probably nothing, book an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. You shouldn’t need us to tell you that there’s often no room for maneuver when it comes to our health. A small niggle may be easy to treat in the early stages, but it could fast get serious if you keep ignoring what’s going on. If you still aren’t convinced an appointment with a professional is what you need, keep reading to find out why you’re … [Read more...]

How You Should Workout With Certain Ailments

Nothing should ever stop you from being who you want to be. As we get older we begin to see our bodies increase in weight, and our health is affected by this. We also live busy lives, taking care of the kids, cooking and running daily errands. Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies begin to fade in some ways that are hindering to a more healthy lifestyle. It's just the way the dice roll sometimes but that doesn’t mean you should give up. Certain ailments can be championed and jumped over so you can maintain your health and be around longer for your children. The key is to know what you need to do to accommodate your health problems, so you can work out just like everybody else does. Sports vision For some people wearing glasses is just one step too far. They can be uncomfortable physically, but also make you feel older than you are. Many who need to wear glasses feel self-conscious so when you’re trying to lose weight, it's best to wear contact lenses. However, everyday contact … [Read more...]