9 Natural Alternatives for Prescription Drugs for Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry or unease about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. For many, anxiety is a chronic issue that is exacerbated by the daily ills of life. Unfortunately for many, prescription drugs are the only recourse to solve their anxiety. People do not realize that there are natural alternatives to fight anxiety.

1. Exercise

One of the best things that you can do for anxiety, stress or any form of mental issue is to go out and get active. Many medical professionals recommend at least 30 minutes of any form of exercise per day would be ideal. Whether this is going to the gym and lifting some weights or simply taking a morning walk around the neighborhood, a lot of stress can be relieved with exercise. Besides the many cardiovascular benefits that regular exercise has, it has also shown to reduce anxiety in stressful situations. Simple, yet effective.

2. Meditation

Meditation is also a very simple, but powerful technique that you can use to battle anxiety. When it comes to mood and anxiety relief, meditation is very effective because you are completely focused on your breathing and nothing else. Simply find a quiet space, maybe play some music, close your eyes, and commence the meditation. There are a variety of meditation styles, with the most common and popular variety being yoga. If you ever find yourself going through a rough patch, simply find a quiet place and start meditating the troubles away.

3. Writing

Have you ever considered getting a journal and writing about your daily experiences? The power behind writing is that there is no limit to what you can do. Anything that is in your mind or circulating in your thoughts can be relayed to paper. Studies that have shown that writing can take away a lot of the tension because your frustrations or fears are being written by you. It is as if you are gradually releasing your stress with a pen or pencil. It’s inexpensive to do, and you can write as little or as much as you feel is necessary.

4. Animal Therapy

Sometimes, a lot of anxiety and stress can come from the fact that you may not think that anybody else is around. Sometimes, all you need a furry friend to keep you company. Whether this is going to the zoo, or getting yourself a pet, you won’t feel so alone sometimes. Believe it or not, sometimes the greatest weapon against anxiety is cuddling next to a puppy late at night.

5. Herbal Supplements

Prescription drug addiction is a serious issue because eventually, a tolerance is built, and more drug is required in someone’s system in order to feel effects. Herbal supplements and teas can be an alternative that could be of interest to you, and it’s not nearly as likely you will be addicted to them. Scientific evidence is few and far between in terms of its full effectiveness, so be sure to consult a doctor first.

6. Aromatherapy

If you haven’t heard of aromatherapy before, they are soothing plant oils that you smell. Certain scents have been shown to combat anxiety a great deal because of its potent smell.

7. Time Management

Time management can contribute heavily to stress if you find yourself having to juggle many responsibilities at once. One way you can help this is by investing in a planner and plan out what you want to accomplish each day and give sufficient time for each task. Do this, and you will be less overwhelmed and less anxious in the process.

8. Relaxation Techniques

Sometimes, a lot of tension can be released by being in a proper posture and practicing certain relaxation techniques. Slowly constrict each muscle group and gradually work your way up from the lower body.

9. Sleep

You will be instantly more stressful if you do not get adequate sleep. Shoot for 7 to 8 hours a night, and do your body a big favor. It needs time to recharge.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is Owner of Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. Dizzy Mommy Chronicles is a place where Jammie can get control of her weight, one post at a time. For more information visit on Google+.

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