Are There Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training?

A lot of people can be put off working out as they imagine the typical image of pounding the treadmill in the gym, and spending hours in there. But there is so much more to exercise than going to the gym and spending a lot of time. You can get a good workout in the comfort of your own home, all under half an hour if you are short on time. So really, there are no excuses to not get started. You just need to know what to be doing. With that in mind, today’s post is all about the benefits of training using high-intensity interval training, or HIIT as it has become known. The results are proven that it works, and it helps you to get fitter, as well as get lean. So here is a little more about it, and why you should be using it for your exercise regimen. Burn Lots of Calories in Short Amount of Time There have been studies looking into HIIT workouts to see how many calories that you actually burn. One particular study, found on, looked into thirty minutes of HIIT, … [Read more...]

Exercise Tips For Busy Moms

You're a busy mom; we get it! Fitting exercise into your daily routine is difficult. With the mountain of chores you need to do, and with the daily demands of being a mother to cope with, you aren't going to have a lot of time to get to the gym or any of those things that you used to do before your kids arrived. But here's the thing. Exercise needs to be your number one priority. The more you do, the better you will feel. You will have more energy to play with your kids. The endorphin rush will steady your nerves when your stress levels rise. And you will be less likely to fall ill through exhaustion, as exercise can lift your moods and bolster your immune system. So, where to start? Here are some tips to help you. Alter your mindset Don't feel guilty for wanting to take time out to exercise. Don't tell yourself 'you're too busy.' As we said, exercise needs to be a priority in your life, so you need to switch your thinking. If you need to hire a childminder so you can get to … [Read more...]

How to become a Pilates instructor?

Pilates is one of the common fitness trends that people have been following from decades. Right now, fitness has become one of the most talked-about and followed routine. The world is slowly realizing the importance of fitness and the increased competition makes us go deeper into it. This alternatively means that there is a lot of scope in terms of training. If you want to become a Pilate trainer, you can give a go. The best part is, you don’t need to be thin, young, agile, strong, or any stereotype you think of. You just need to know Pilates to help others know it too. The process will not be easy and quick, and it will need your money and commitment. People who aspire to become a Pilate instructor have a rewarding career. They not only earn heaps but also stay enthusiastic to fitness all the time. You need to go through types of pilates instructor training program and figure out the ones that are more reputed. You need to know what this career brings to you, before paving your … [Read more...]

You Really Shouldn’t Be Doing These Things If Your Health Is A Priority

Do you think your health is a priority? Most people will say yes, but when it really comes down to it, you take one look at their daily actions and realize that it isn’t that much of a priority at all. Below are a few things you really shouldn’t be doing at all if your health is a priority to you. Take a look and see what you should be cutting out of your life to be the healthiest version of yourself. Sitting All Day - Even At Work Sitting all day, they say, is the new cancer. If you're sitting for most of the day at work, even if you go to the gym for an hour, it can be very bad for you. If you don’t get any exercise, that makes sitting down at work and when you get home even worse for you. Do your best to get up and walk around every hour. Try to alternate between sitting and standing if you can get a standing desk for your work. As they are so good for your health, your employer might just cover the costs. Thinking Negatively Negative thinking can be an addiction, and … [Read more...]

How to become a good orthodontist?

Apart from getting a degree that helps you take your career to new heights, there are more things you need to know. If you aspire to become an orthodontist, you need to follow many responsibilities. These gratify your results and help you bring a smile to your patients’ faces. Orthodontists help to properly align teeth but many don’t know that they also help a patient speak properly. You need to offer intensive care so that your patient can chew properly and use their facial muscles well. Orthodontists need to attend a dental school for four years and then go on for two or three years of the residency program. This happens after they receive the bachelor’s degree – it sure is a lengthy process. How do they diagnose or examine patients? The first task of an orthodontist is to examine the patient’s teeth. He checks the facial muscles and jaw. He checks if the teeth are aligned or not. Our facial features might not work in sync, which is why we need an orthodontist. There can be … [Read more...]

4 Reasons That Exercising Outside Is So Much Healthier Than The Gym

When you think of working out, you probably think of the gym. But the thing is, spending all of your time working out in the gym probably isn’t the best way to get healthy. First off, it’s probably going to cost you a lot of money every month for a membership and even though you might think that it’ll make you more likely to work out regularly, it won’t. You can just as easily end up giving up on it and then you’re just wasting money that you can’t really afford to spend. Another big problem with the gym is that it isn’t always accessible for everybody. For people that have a disability, the gym isn’t very well equipped. There aren’t that many machines that cater for people with a disability and if you end up going to the gym, you’ll just be doing the same few exercises over and over, which is not a healthy way to exercise. You’re much better off doing your workouts away from the gym. Doing it at home is one option but there are a lot of benefits to doing it outside. Here’s why … [Read more...]

How To Keep Your Long Distance Relationship Healthy and Alive

I’ve partnered with We-Vibe ® to craft this article. No other form of payment except the We-Vibe®  Sync was received. Over the years the Internet has become the main place for singles to locate potential partners in life. This allows individuals to expand their search for their perfect match and doesn't limit them to just their state. With the many websites for on-line dating, we oftentimes run into the issue of long distance love. I have learned in my time, long distance relationships can work as long as you know of ways to keep them healthy and alive. Keeping long distance relationships healthy and alive can become a challenge. As humans we need intimacy, we need that connection. Sex is often looked at as gross, disgusting, something we shouldn't talk about. However, sex and intimate touch keeps us healthy. While intimacy isn't the main fundamental in keeping a long distance relationship healthy and alive it's an important one to keep any relationship healthy and … [Read more...]

Fun Ways to Get Fit Without a Gym

When you lead a busy life as a mom, thinking about getting to a gym on top of all that you have to do can be the last thing on your mind. But for health and wellbeing, exercise should be something that is on your list of things to do. The good news is that there are plenty of things that you can do to workout, without having to head out to a gym. You can exercise with the kids in tow, or at home when they’re tucked up in bed. Here are some fun ideas to help you get back into exercising, so you can be your healthiest yet. Train at the Park If you have a park or plenty of outdoor green space, then you can use it to your advantage. Who need to pay for a stroller exercise class or a bootcamp when you can create your own? You could make your own circuit training with a few different stations for things like jumping jacks, sit ups, and lunges. If you have a baby or will have children with you, then get them involved. The kids can do the exercises along with you, or you can use the … [Read more...]

Don’t Say No To Physio!

When you’ve got an injury as a result of an accident at work or on the road, one of the first things that you’re advised to do is get a referral for physiotherapy. It’s not just something that’s reserved for the celebrities on the soccer field or the basketball court. It also isn’t just used for those recovering from an injury, as physiotherapy can treat general aches and pains and more common issues. When you realise your body isn’t coping after an accident, you need to get help. The human body isn’t designed to stay injured: it’s designed to be whole and healed. If you’re waiting for a compensation claim before going for an appoint, using a company like Brauns Law, PC can help to speed things along. Physiotherapy isn’t something that you want to wait to start, and here are five reasons why. Dizziness. If you find yourself dizzy and losing balance, you could have an inner ear issue. Most of the time, dizziness and possibly vertigo can be sorted with an appointment with your … [Read more...]

5 Ways Alcohol Effects You

  Did you know alcohol is a depressant and it effects both your mind and your body. Whether you take one drink or several the changes begin with your first drink. The more you drink the greater impact it has on your mind and body. Not only does it slow your reaction time but it also takes a toll on your kidneys and liver which can one day lead to failure of these important organs. Here are 5 ways alcohol effects you: Body coordination Alcohol impacts your body coordination tremendously. We all know about the 5 senses and when we consume alcohol, our nervous system is compressed making our brain delay. Which leads to those who drink having a slower respond time. Ever see someone who has been drinking stumble? This is due to their nervous system slowly being damaged with each drink they take. Memory loss and dementia Just like street drugs, alcohol has a long term effect on our minds. Alcohol and other street drugs, destroy our brain cells, this damage can lead to memory … [Read more...]