How To Keep Your Long Distance Relationship Healthy and Alive

I’ve partnered with We-Vibe ® to craft this article. No other form of payment except the We-Vibe®  Sync was received. Over the years the Internet has become the main place for singles to locate potential partners in life. This allows individuals to expand their search for their perfect match and doesn't limit them to just their state. With the many websites for on-line dating, we oftentimes run into the issue of long distance love. I have learned in my time, long distance relationships can work as long as you know of ways to keep them healthy and alive. Keeping long distance relationships healthy and alive can become a challenge. As humans we need intimacy, we need that connection. Sex is often looked at as gross, disgusting, something we shouldn't talk about. However, sex and intimate touch keeps us healthy. While intimacy isn't the main fundamental in keeping a long distance relationship healthy and alive it's an important one to keep any relationship healthy and … [Read more...]