Archives for October 2011


Thanks to Erasmo Cortez I was watching Kathilee & Hoda (my absolute favorite morning hosts) on Direc tv Nebraska today. They had a guest that I haven’t seen of thought about in a really long time, Jewel. When she first came on the scene in the nineties, I loved her. She was so different and didn’t fall into the Brittney Spears glam look. She admitted that she was a tumble weed and lived in her car singing in different bars until she got her big break. She also writes all of her music, which I think is cool. She looks great and has had a baby. She is married and spends most of her time on she and her husband’s ranch in rural Texas. She brought pictures of her baby, who is absolutely adorable. She showed a picture of him as a baby in a cowboy boot. She also said that she was working on some new stuff and would be releasing new singles. I am excited and will probably check out her CD when it come out. I love to see happy love/family stories about my favorite celebrities and … [Read more...]

Having Faith

I am not an extremely religious person. However, I do believe all things happen for a reason, what those reasons are though I have no clue.  I often wonder how God can give one so much to where they almost break. I have been to that breaking point a few times, and I have asked God to help me. Sometimes life is unfair and we get to those crossroads. We are left standing wondering which one we should take, if I go this way this might happen, or if I go that way that might happen. We are often left wondering which would be the easiest road to take. Should we be taking the easier road though? The reward at the end of the harder road maybe worth all those hurdles we must get around to get there. I sit here often and wish my life were easier... but do I really wish it to be easier? To be honest probably not, I wish things in my life would look up more then down, but I know God is only giving me things he knows I can personally handle, and when he sees I am struggling he will give me a … [Read more...]


This guest post from Doris Dillon We looked into wildblue deals and decided that it was time for us to get satellite internet. It was much less expensive than we originally thought that it was. Our kids are almost driving age and were constantly reminding us about how left out that they felt without having internet access. All of their friends are on Facebook, and my kids haven’t had accounts because I felt like they were too young. Now that they are driving age, I felt like it was time and okay for them to use the internet without supervision and to also get on Facebook. I have been surprised by how many of their friends and people that I know that are on it. Basically, everyone in their highschool is on the networking site. My kids won’t let me join, they say that it would be embarrassing for their mother to be on Facebook. The insist that if I do get on , that they won’t be “friending” me. I still haven’t decided if I am going to get on or not! I guess that if I get on they will … [Read more...]

Viruses and Giveaways

It seems lately many bloggers are getting infected with these nasty viruses. Within the past month my personal computer has been infected twice, this is due to me entering giveaways, and landing on the blogs infected. This second time around it looks like I may have to do a full system restore. If you are entering giveaways be careful cleaning your computer up after being infected can be pricey. For those that are unsure how to remove viruses from their system, or for those that are not aware on how to back up their information on their computers, and restore to factory settings, this can be a major problem. Having your information backed-up and viruses removed from your system can cost several hundred dollars. Last night as I was entering giveaways my browser crashed, shortly after that is when I got a "Window Restore" virus. These viruses are no fun, in order to remove them, you have to do all sorts of fun things, and once you get them, they hide a lot of your programs. … [Read more...]

The Purpose of Sweetest Day

Do you know what the main purpose of sweetest day was? Sweetest Day originated in 1921 in Cleveland, Ohio. This day was planned by 12 confectioners, which was chaired by a candymaker by the name of C. C. Hartzell. In 1921, the committee handed out over 20,000 boxes of candy, the ones to receive this small treat were orphans, old folks, newsboys, and poor people. The candy was handed out by some big named movie stars such as Ann Pennington, and Theda Bara. After this several attempts to start a Sweetest Day in New York City were made. On October 8, 1922 candy companies even tried to start a "Candy Day" through-out the U.S. September 25, 1937 the New York Times even took out a section under its news and notes area stating the NCA (National Confectioners Association) launched a movement to rank Sweetest Day,with Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and Father's Day. In 1940, they launched yet another Sweetest Day, this time more then 10,000 boxes were delivered to about 26 local … [Read more...]

Pumpkin Fudge went South

My sister found a recipe for pumpkin fudge, and everyone talked about how ever so good it was. I wanted to check it out for myself, so I went to the store purchased the items, and got busy cooking this fudge. HAH I cooked it just like it had stated, and well, let's just say it went to the trash. It was more like a sugar taffy, the flavor was awful, and I personally wouldn't recommend it. I think I will keep my pumpkin in cheesecakes. I kept making excuses for why my fudge turned out like taffy, and my husband cheered me up with saying... "It was the recipe not you, probably some bored housewife experimenting in the kitchen" <-- aw isn't he sweet. I will just stick to my awesome peanut butter fudge! Does anyone have a fool proof pumpkin fudge, because I love pumpkin, and I would love to try pumpkin fudge, but something that is actually fudge instead of a soft mess. With the holidays what type of sweet treats do you make? I would love to find some new treats to make that … [Read more...]

How is The Weather Were You Are?

Michigan weather stinks! We went from having a beautiful week, to ending it with cold, and rain. It is currently 42 out, the wind is blowing and it rained all night. I can certainly tell winter is approaching. I can only hope it isn't to bad, I am so not use to driving in snow. Living in Tennessee for 8 years not having to worry about the cold white, wet stuff spoiled me. I mean sure I can drive in it when I have to, but I really don't like to. I may just be locked in the house for the winter. I will sleep the winter away, sound good? Does to me. I have been laid up in bed most the day, because days like this are so blah. I just want to grab me some hot chocolate, snuggle in bed with a book, and not come out of my room until my book is complete. That right there would be the life! However, I have a lot of stuff to do, so cuddling with a book and some hot chocolate has to sit on the back burner. How are some ways you find to motivate yourself when it is just to cold to remove … [Read more...]

Squinkies Boys Giveaway

I have to admit, I am a huge fan of Squinkies, so when I seen they came out with even more and for BOY, I got pretty excited! . They always have cool things for girls but what about the boys, right? Although, I don't have any boys, I do have a nephew and he likes toys too! If you are not sure what squinkies are they're cute squishy toys that come in many fun colors, and shapes. They are made of soft squishy plastic, and contain no latex! My daughter likes to collect them, and that is one thing about the boy squinkies, girls will love them as well! Recently, we received a rather large box of the boy line of Squinkies, and well we like to share so I am giving away the Xtreme Ride which includes 3 squinkies and a package of the Series 3 squinkies. Mandatory: To enter you tell me what you like about the boy Squinkies. Want Extra? 2 extra comments each Become a Google Follower of Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. Follow MommysDizzy on twitter. Like Dizzy Mommy … [Read more...]

Inktastic Review and Giveaway

If you had the option to design your own clothes, or go to the store and purchase already designed clothes which would you prefer? I personally would rather design my own, because it would have been made with a more personal touch. Don't get me wrong they have some cute clothes out there, but I think I could make mine cuter! Recently, Inktastic contacted me about doing a review and giveaway. Of course I said yes. I mean who doesn't love to design their own clothes? Not familiar with Inktastic?  Inktastic is a web-based business, their specialty is customized clothing. When ordering from Inktastic you are going to get high quality products. The best part about the company, there is no minimum order! They also offer 30 day no hassle return. One of my favorite things about Inktastic, is they have several images for you to choose from, or you can upload your own images. Customization of their products is also reasonably priced. I ordered a cute shirt, bag, and key-chain for my … [Read more...]

Giveaways coming soon!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend! I will be getting some giveaways up later this evening! Are you excited? Here in Michigan the weather has been nice! So expect the giveaways later tonight, I am about ready to go enjoy the sun with my family. And I made the Pumpkin fudge, however, not my thang! … [Read more...]