Archives for January 2012

The Business Is Coming A Long Well!

I am starting to get super excited nervous all in one! I cannot wait to get my business off the ground. I am slowly starting to stock the store, and my goal is to do the grand opening at the end of February. Once I announce grand opening I will be hosting some awesome giveaways. What better way to start out with a bang right? To be honest I never new how much work was needed to get a business going, I am working sometimes all day just making sure everything is perfect. Thankfully I will have my sister by my side when it comes to making all the products. Once we get our own place things will be so much better, I mean I will have storage place to store products and supplies, and I will have my own kitchen. YAY! By the end of 2012 I will not only own a home in Tennessee, I will also own my own home in Michigan. 2012 is turning out thus far pretty good, and we are only a week in! How is your year so far? … [Read more...]

Is Popcorn A Staple In Your Home?

If you were to ask my daughter what her favorite snack is, she would most likely tell you popcorn. Popcorn is one of those snacks, that I must have in the home at all time. Not only for my daughter but also for myself. Have you ever got a late night urge for a snack? Popcorn is lite, not many calories, and will make your tummy happy until morning. I think that is why we all love popcorn in our home, it's a quick and easy snack. One of the great things is, if you also have a sweet tooth you can throw in some mints, and have you a sweet and salty snack, and let me tell you there is nothing better then snuggling with my daughter on the couch and watching a movie while grabbing a handful of popcorn. Recently, my husband talked me into purchasing just the kernels, we know self pop. A lot less butter and salt on it this way, so a lot better for you. Plus did I mention it taste better! I think when you pop it from the bags the popcorn gets soggy faster. I would love to get me a nice air … [Read more...]

2012 Has Only Just Begun

We are only about a week into 2012, and already there has been several suicides. Do you know someone that suffers from depression? If so get them help before it is to late. It seems everything on the news lately has been murder/suicide related. I have personally once been to a point in my life, were I thought there was no hope. All I wanted to do was die, I was 19 at the time. Depression is not fun, it is a sickness. However those with depression are afraid what others will think because of them. They are scared about being looked down upon. So they keep quite, they continue to deal with life, until they can no longer go on. This leads to murder/suicides. This leads to innocent children being killed because life became to hard on their parent. I have learned many things since I thought about taking my life. I have learned things can get better, I have learned all I had to do was ask for help. I have also learned depression is a sickness and if left untreated permanent damage can … [Read more...]

New Year New You

I just realized this year we have 366 days instead of the 365 days. What do you plan on doing with those extra 24 hours? I am still undecided, however, I think I will sleep them extra hours, I can always use more sleep, can you? If not you can always workout more which to be honest is what I should do. Yes, I should work out an extra 24 hours this year. Keeping track of those extra hours can be a bit tricky though, why not get an awesome watch to help keep track? The Citizen Eco drive watches would help you keep track of those extra 24 hours. Did you know with our technology today that watches have taken a seat on the back burner? However, to be honest watches make a great addition to any wardrobe. I remember growing up and whenever we would ask what time it was, our mom would say "time to get a watch". Now when we ask what time it is, someone grabs their phone. One of my favorite watches growing up was the ones you wore on your fingers, another one was goofy and the clock went … [Read more...]

Odd Weather

January 4th, and thus far we have gotten less than 6 inches of snow here in Michigan. To top it off we will be hitting the 40's in a few days. I am starting to wonder if I brought the Southern heat with me, I hope this doesn't mean nasty storms this Summer, because I want to hit the beaches. I have to admit, that is one thing I am looking forward to the most is swimming in the lakes. We were only here for about 3 weeks of nice weather, and only got to go to the beach once. I want my daughter to have the fun I had during the Summer months in Michigan. That is one thing I can say, although it is cold as heck during the winter months it is awesome during the summer months. I want to take her to the fairs, and to all the events I got to go to growing up, she can now actually start having fun! What are you looking forward to this Summer? … [Read more...]

Save More In 2012

Can you believe it is 2012 already? What are some things you plan on changing to make your pocket book a bit fatter? I plan on hitting up all the deals and trying my hardest to save on things that are actually needed such as eyeglasses. Glasses have been a must since I was about 11 years old. Over the years it seems like they're making them cheaper and raising the prices on them. The last time I purchased a pair of glasses, I about freaked when they told me the price, and that was for just the basics. If I wanted scratch protection, and UV protection that was more. I am sorry but I cannot see paying hundreds of dollars for glasses that are only good for a year. Thankfully I have found some awesome places online, that cut out the middleman and offer cheaper glasses. Keep in mind just because the glasses are cheaper doesn't mean they are cheaply made. Companies such as Zenni Optical can offer lower prices with great quality due to cutting the middleman out. Products usually go … [Read more...]

Baby Carriers Making Life Easier

When my daughter was a baby the only baby carriers we had were the car seats. This making it a lot harder to get things done around the house. I remember when I had to wash dishes I would strap her into her car seat, and place it on the counter where she sat while I got the dishes done, not the smartest way to do things, but at the time it was how us moms did things. Now they have products such as the moby wrap which makes baby carrying so much easier. I have seen so many moms raving about these slings, it makes me want another baby just to try them out. However, it is very important to wear these properly, because if you do not it can cause harm to your baby, and the idea behind these wraps, are to have the babies has comfortable as possible, while mom can still get her work done. How many of you have used a moby wrap? I have heard they are super comfortable, I happen to like how you can carry the baby so close to you, and it makes the baby feel secure. I know when My daughter … [Read more...]