Archives for November 2011

How Was Your Prom?

How many of you went to Prom? I personally did not go to prom. I didn't go for many reasons. You are probably thinking because I didn't have a date. Well if I wanted to go I did have a date. However, I was never the social gathering type when I was in High School. A lot of it had to do with my weight. I have always been a plus size girl, and finding plus size prom dresses was not easy back then. When I was asked to go to prom I was super excited. I started looking around for that perfect dress. However, everything I found was way to small, so I made up a small lie and informed my date I was sick. Oops, I must have came down with something right before the dance. I felt bad at the time, but what was I supposed to do? I surely couldn't have told him I was to fat to fit in any dresses I liked. Now days it seems they are starting to make dresses in bigger sizes which is great. Now for those high school sweet hearts there will be no made up stories on why you are not feeling your best … [Read more...]

Opiate Addiction In America

Millions of Americans are prescribed opiates for pain such as codeine, hydrocodone and oxycodone on a regular basis. While these drugs offer immediate relief of pain symptoms ranging from moderate to severe they also become physically addictive after long term use. Of course when most people think about opiate addiction they often think of opium or heroin and hard drug users like they may have seen on television or movies. But with the increasing use of opiates to treat pain, opiate addiction may be closer to home than you think. There is most likely some of your neighbors, friends and even family who are now or in the past experienced opiate addiction of some degree. I myself was treated for pain with hydrocodone for almost a year. I had severe pain in my foot caused by plantar fascia and my bone collapsing in my foot. This was caused by long hours of physical activity and heavy lifting while on hard concrete floors. Luckily I was finally treated by a podiatrist who got my foot … [Read more...]

Late Night On Youtube

Have you ever sat here with a ton of work to do, but lose focus on what needed to be done and found yourself browsing youtube? I often get extremely distracted and I am either on yahoo, or youtube. Tonight as I browsed the different videos I came across Far Away by Marsha Ambrosius. With me not knowing much about music, I was clueless on who she was, but I feel in love with the song. I sat here listening to it over and over again, then I decided I wanted to see what else she sang. So I looked her up on Google and discovered she also is a well known song writer, and she has wrote songs for Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Nas and several other artists. Which would explain why I liked her, she is an extremely talented lady. As I was playing her song my daughter was asking me all sorts of questions. My daughter has this strange taste in music she will only listen to female artists, I have no clue why. I will often walk in her room to her on youtube listening to female singers I … [Read more...]

Custom Wall Art

Did you know a home is not a home if it isn't customized to fit your family? I mean anyone can have a house, and live in a house, but what makes a home a home, is all the pictures through out. For a long time my walls were bare, a lot of the reason I missed Michigan. I didn't want to make my home in Tennessee my home. Making it my home meant to be it was official. After settling in I went a head and put up pictures of my daughter, and other family members. I still didn't want to call it home. Now that we are back in Michigan it is time to make my home a home. I keep seeing all these custom wall stickers, and I think they would help set the different areas in my home off. I specially would love to get some for my daughter's bedroom. She loves having her own room, and I want her to be able to express herself in her room, by decorating the walls how she wants. She's in this Monster High faze right now, everything has to be Monster High so maybe I can get lucky and find some Monster … [Read more...]

Freebie Alert: Free Scotch Brite Sponge

We all love our freebies right? Head on over to ScotchBrites facebook page and claim your free sponge. They are giving away 100,000 and their current like is almost to 44,000 that means at least 56,000 left! If you are doing Thanksgiving at your home this year this will help with all those dishes! :) … [Read more...]

Thanksgiving Menu

Have you started that Thanksgiving Day menu yet? Are you doing a traditional dinner or just whatever? I know growing up we always had the works on Thanksgiving. Mom would make a big turkey, and all the sides to go with it. I remember we had a big deep freeze and it would be covered with food, and all the family would come over to help us eat it all. When I was living in the South, my husband's family did things a bit different. We had our normal Thanksgiving a few years in a row but then we switched it up some, and one year we went out, another we made it be an Italian feast. To be honest, I prefer the good old Turkey dinner, the main reason I love having all the left overs. It means I do not have to cook awhile, and do you know all of the meals you can make with left overs! My favorite is turkey salad for sandwiches. Yummy. What are some things you prepare for Thanksgiving Dinner? … [Read more...]

Why You Should NOT Use Cheap Shaving Products

How many of you try to save money by grabbing your husband's shaving products when you needed to shave? As females we are always trying to find away to help save money in our households, and if it means grabbing for our husband's shaving cream we usually don't think twice. I mean have you priced the shaving cream for women? I have and it seems like everything we need cost a fortune. Recently, I have started to notice something though, I decided to treat myself to my own razors and shaving cream, and my legs have thanked me. While using my husband's products I would always get nicks, one time I was done shaving went to leave and noticed my leg was nothing but a bloody mess. I honestly thought all these cuts were due to me trying to shave rather fast. However, it wasn't. It was due to the fact men shaving products are not intended for us women! Although, we seem to think we are saving money by reaching for our husband's shaving products we are not. Let me explain why, #1 although … [Read more...]

I Have The Best Husband Ever

Most of the time anyways. Today I received a package that weighed 145 pounds! No lie, the fedex man shows up, and asks my husband if he could by chance help him, that he had a package that was 145 pounds! He asked my husband if he had any idea what it maybe, my husband informed him that we get so many packages that it was a bit impossible to guess. LOL Your probably wondering how that makes my husband the best one ever right? Well what came in the mail today was a headstone for my baby brother. Yes, I got a headstone to review, this thing is amazing. My brother has been gone for 24 years, and there is nothing to show he is even where he is. Well, I made a mistake and I got his date of death wrong... I have him passing 4 days before he did. I am super upset about this, however, I can almost swear he died on the date I put, I always remembered it so many days before my birthday, and so many days after my older sister's birthday. Well the date mess up on my part has been upsetting … [Read more...]

Searching For The Best Insurance

As parents we want to make sure our children have the best medical coverage possible. We want to assure ourselves if something were to happen we know they will get the best care. Often times our employer will offer our families a medical insurance plan. However, in my experience it has been just basic insurance with a high co pay. When my husband had medical insurance on us through his employer it covered very little. We were paying $60 a month for the insurance plus we had a $30 co-pay every time we went to the doctor. We decided it was time to look into other insurance coverage when we received a bill showing the insurance company only covered .27 cents of a $151.00 bill. Trying to find cheap inexpensive medical coverage that is also good is not easy. However, as long as you know where to look you will have no trouble finding coverage that will be perfect for your family. One thing to remember when looking for insurance is how good it is for children. Some insurance maybe … [Read more...]

Family Law

How many of you have been in a situation where you needed the advice of a family law lawyer? I personally have not, but I have contacted many family law lawyers for my family. Whenever you or a family member go through a divorce chances are it's in everyone's best interest to have a lawyer on their side. Whether it's to determine who gets the kids, or who gets the house. Often times divorce can be very hard, and get extremely ugly. So having a go between will help make the divorce a little less stressful. Plus it helps to have someone that knows the laws on your side. If you're unsure how you would go about finding a lawyer that will be able to meet your needs, you can always look in the yellow pages. If you are like me, and you do not have a phone book, use the internet. A simple search will bring up all the information you need, to take the next steps in contacting a lawyer. For instance if you are in the Barrie area you would search something like "Family lawyer Barrie" If you … [Read more...]