Archives for 2012

Pumpkin Cookies?

We love pumpkin pie! I thing I love about both Thanksgiving an Christmas is all the flavors put into cooking. It makes the food so yummy. While on pinterest I came across a recipe for pumpkin cookies. With it being so simple and only needing two ingredients I picked them up at the store and gave it a shot last night. 1 box of spice cake mix 1 can of pumpkin Mix them together, preheat oven at 350 and bake. I baked mine for 12 minutes. These were super good. I went one step farther though, and I had to try the new cool whip cream cheese frosting. To die for, these are melt in your mouth yummy. If you have a sweet tooth and want something quick, easy and cheap these would be the cookies for you. … [Read more...]

EatSmart Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale Review and Giveaway

The holidays are here and what does that mean? It means stress and with stress comes grabbing for another plate of food, and even some extra desserts. I know this because I am one of those stress eaters. With companies such as EatSmart I am kept in check. With the EatSmart Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale I will know all my numbers within a short period. The Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale keeps track of the important numbers such as Body Fat, Muscle Mass, Water Weight, and Bone Mass. Knowing these numbers will help keep yourself from being depressed when you step on the scale and it has gone up. The GetFit can store up to 8 different people. This making it keep up with the whole family a lot easier. It uses the BIA (Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis) technology to accurately measure the different areas. How? Simple. First you need to program the scale for your body and movement level, then you strip down, and get on the scale barefoot. This will allow for the … [Read more...]

Dear Mister Howie Mandel #dealornodeal

  I wanted to post to you thanking you for your recent invitation to be on Deal or No Deal… Congratulations! You have been selected to be a contestant on Deal or No Deal. After carefully considering the chance to win a million dollars, I have decided upon…   NO DEAL After all who needs a million dollars, I would rather sit here, and be like all of the rest of the low to middle class people in America, and struggle with keeping the car payment made, lights on, and my interweb connected. If I decide to take the deal, I will let you know. Yours Truly, Dizzy Mommy Oh wait, I am sorry I mistaken that email to be from Howie Mandel when I came to my senses after thinking long and hard about taking the deal. I realized it was a Phishing email, I mean why would Mister Howie Mandel, want me to be on deal or no deal, right? If you receive a message stating you’re invited to be on Deal or No Deal, hit delete as fast as you can and DO NOT click the link. This is … [Read more...]

10 Uses for Newspaper

With the economy in shambles a large part of Americans are turning to couponing to save their families some money. It’s recommended that a family using coupons should purchase one Sunday paper for each member of their family. If you’re a family of 5 that’s a lot of extra newspaper that will probably find its way to the trash. Instead of throwing those newspapers away, I am going to give you 10 ways you can put them to great use. 1. Protect Your Workspace – My favorite use for old newspaper is protecting workspace when the children are doing arts and crafts. I find this to be one of the more common uses for old newspaper. By laying several layers down it protects the work surface if any accidents happen. 2. Kitty Litter – Shred the newspapers up, and use them for kitty litter. Using old newspapers for kitty litter is a great way to save money. You’re already purchasing newspapers so no need to also purchase kitty litter. 3. Pet Cage Lining – Line the birdcage with them. This … [Read more...]

Elections Is Drawing Near

Only a few more days left until elections. I am not going to hold my breath, I know who ever is picked it will only mean 4 more years of hell. It seems all the Presidents we have had thus far have only been out for themselves. People trusted Obama and what does he do... Signs into law allowing spy drones, which is an invasion to our privacy. One may say if you are doing nothing bad you have nothing to worry about. I beg to differ, it doesn't matter what you are doing... You have no privacy with the spy drones, if you once laid naked in your backyard to sun bathe you will be seen... If you have a window in your bathroom of children's room, you better cover them. Some spy drones can get so close they can see inside your home... What else has Mr. Obama done? Well he also signed into law these medical chips... Well I will be dead before they implant anything into me... There is also rumor Mr. Obama has camps all over the US where people he feels didn't agree with him will be … [Read more...]

Renewing Domains With Godaddy

Between my husband and I we own 4 domain names. Thankfully they all have different renewal dates, a few are ten dollars to renew, while the others are about fifteen dollars to renew. That is $50 a year for our domain names, over time this amount can add up, so when it comes to renewing we try to find promo codes to help save a little money. Godaddy .Com domain renewal promo code if used yearly can help one save hundreds of dollars over time. One may think you only save a few dollars here and there so hunting the codes may not be worth it. However, those few dollars add up! Finding the codes are not that Godaddy .Net renewal promo code" will bring up all the promo codes for those .net renewals.  I was surprised at all the renewal codes I found while doing the search. I even found a Godaddy .Co renewal promo code. … [Read more...]

Holiday Cooking With Kids

Often times us adults tend to make holiday cooking stressful. However, what we are forgetting is the holidays are about being with family and friends. Things don't have to be perfect, so when it comes time to start that baking let the kids join in on the fun. Family time spent in the kitchen baking will be memories that stick with your child when you're gone. It doesn't matter the age of the child small simple tasks will put a smile on their faces. My daughter likes cracking the eggs, getting the items needed, stirring, and licking the bowl. I read the recipe, show her how to measure out the ingredients, and make sure everything runs smoothly. One thing you want to keep in mind when cooking with the kids, is to have fun. You might end up with a flat cake, or a burnt cookie, but the kids had a ball with you making those treats. Plus, you are not only having fun with your child, you are also teaching them important things they will need in life as they get older. They will also … [Read more...]

The World of Sports Nutrition Supplements Made Easy

There are millions of sports nutrition supplements that hit the market every year. With all these choices, the consumers have so many options to choose from that they can combine to tailor fit their nutrition and fitness goals. So how do the customers actually know which ones work and which ones do not? Let's find out. Basic Department Store Sports Supplements These selections of supplements are the hardest to tell if the actual ingredients are pure and have no unnecessary fillers. Many of these companies do not specialize in making only these types of supplements. The best supplements in this collection are six star muscle brand supplements. These supplements are connected with the specialty brand muscletech. A number of pro athletes use this brand of supplements. This company carries the endorsement of many pro mma fighters in the UFC. Specialty Store Supplements There are many chains of specialty vitamin and supplement store chains popping up all over the nation. Two of … [Read more...]

History of Athletic Shoes

Have you ever wondered about the history of shoes? Where they came from, who was the first person to wear them, how much they were when they first came out... by doing a quick Google search of "comfort shoes for men and women history" all those questions you once had can be answered! Or you can check out the infographic below and read up on it as well. :) … [Read more...]

Chocolate Frosting Recipe

Often times I get a sweet tooth and I have to find something to sooth it. I had cupcakes but no frosting, so what better way to sooth a sweet tooth, make cupcakes, and figure out how to make homemade frosting. Off to the kitchen I went... 1 stick of butter 3/4 cup dark cocoa 1 1/2 cups powder sugar 4 tablespoons warm water mix it all together and you have some yummy chocolate frosting. My husband came in and tried it, said it tasted just like store bought, my cupcakes were happy to have a top on them, and my tummy was happy to have the sweets in it, that I really didn't need. Make some yummy home made dark chocolate frosting with no milk. … [Read more...]