Different Diet Trends Infographic

With so many people trying to get their weight under control diet trends have been popping up everywhere. If you're thinking about starting one of these diets that have a lot of buzz about being the new miracle diet check out the infographic below. You will find the popular ones, and the basic information about them. Unless you're willing to make a change in your eating, it doesn't matter how much you lose with the diet trends, you will gain it back and then some. When it comes to losing weight, I am far from a pro, however, through my trials and errors I have come out a bit more educated on weight loss. I have tried the master cleanse diet, and let me tell you, I felt as though I was starving the whole time. The other ones I haven't tried, because they're a bit over my budget. I have learned though to remove the word diet completely, and turn it into life style change. What does this mean? It means I eat more veggies and fruits, less sweets and boxed meals. I also move more, … [Read more...]

Metformin The Ugh Drug

I like to think of Metformin as the Ugh Drug, because when I know it's that time to take it, I think ugh and I imagine this... I first learned I needed Metformin in January. I was having problems losing weight, and since thyroid disorder runs in my family, tests were ran. Thyroid issues were ruled out, however, the tests showed I was insulin resistant. This explained a lot of things, I also think I may have PCOS because of how my female cycles are, sometimes I have them sometimes I don't. When I have them they last for weeks. The doctor started me out with 500mg XR once a week at bedtime. I did as suggested took it with food. I would wake up the following morning and be running back and forth to the bathroom for several hours... Once I upped my dose to 1000mg XR, the stomach pains got worse and I was in the bathroom for a good 6 hours after waking. If I had plans the following day I had to skip the meds. Life for me SUCKED! I told my doctor what was going on she … [Read more...]

#100FootJourney Pasta Salad with Chickpeas

Below recipe was received from DreamWorks Pictures’ THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY. Make sure to check out DreamWorks Pictures’ THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY in theaters on August 8th. Chickpeas are considered a super food, and they're extremely good for those trying to lose weight. Don't let this fourth of July hinder your weight loss efforts, serve Pasta Salad with Chickpeas! Ingredients 1 can chickpeas - rinsed well 2 cucumbers seeded and diced 3 tomatoes seeded and dices 1 1/2 medium red onion diced pomegranate seeds 1 lb. spiral noodles cooked according to package 1 lime 1/4 cup garlic oil (see below) 2 tsp Chaat Masala salt and pepper to taste bunch of cilantro chopped Garlic Oil 1/4 c. olive oil 1 serrano chile -slit 2 or 3 times 5 cloves of garlic (with skins) cut in half Garlic Oil 1.) Preheat your oven to 300 degrees F. Combine the olive oil, Serrano chili, and garlic in a glass baking dish. Place in the heated oven for at least 45 minutes. Allow to cool … [Read more...]

On The Move Again

With having recently lost almost 30 pounds I don't want to gain it all back. So I have broke out the fitbit, and I will be using it daily to make sure I am moving more. I want to try and get in my 10,000 steps a day! Yesterday, I pulled out my shorts I haven't worn in over 5 years, and to my surprise they fit! They were a tight fit, however, they fit. So I have two choices, I can continue to sit on my ass and let the shorts get to tight on me, and gain back all the weight I lost. OR I can keep moving, keep watching what I eat and lose more weight so the shorts are to big. I have decided for the second option. I want another child more than ever and as long as I stay fat, my hormones will stay screwed up, and there will be no chance for another mini me. While life can be tough, I cannot let it win, so I am on the move again. I will work on doing weekly updates to keep myself motivated. I wish we had better places to walk here, like I had in Michigan. However, I will make due … [Read more...]

End of Month Weigh In

As I was getting closer and closer to the end of the month, I started to get very nervous. I was worried I wasn't doing enough. I had been working out almost everyday, I tried to do 10 to 15 miles on the stationary bike, as well as lots of weights. I also been doing a lot of spring cleaning, however, my scale kept bouncing me, and even though I could tell I had lost weight, my bathroom scale was saying I was about the same. So when I got weighed by the doctors scale it came back I was down 12 pounds! Yes, 12 pounds from April 1st to May 1st. I think this metformin maybe working for me, I also learned that out of those 12 pounds I lost 8.6 of those were fat pounds! I never thought I would lose 12 pounds in a month, it shows what lowering your calorie intake and upping your protein intake can really do for you. I will keep doing what I have been doing, working out 30 minutes to an hour a day, eating low calorie foods like fish, yogurt, and cottage cheese that's high in … [Read more...]

Getting Enough Protein

Protein is an essential part in losing weight. With trying to lose weight I talked to the Doctor about things I should eat and things I shouldn't eat. I was told to get at least 145g of protein a day in. This is proven to be a difficult task. I am using MyFitnessPal, and scanning/measuring everything I eat, and still coming up about 30grams short a day. I am slowly learning what foods will give me more protein, and what foods have no protein at all. When I eat I try to make sure everything I intake that has calories, also has protein. The Doctor suggested I get some Whey Protein to supplement and to help me with my goal protein amount. However, after checking the prices in the store, this maynot be an option. I am searching for foods that are high in protein but low in calories. I have discovered fish is high protein and low calories, however, I am not a fish person. I can eat it once in awhile, but yea. Any suggestions? … [Read more...]

Weight Loss “Bucket” List

I was reading an article online that suggested making a list of the reasons why you want to lose weight. The article refereed to this as a "Why" list or a bucket list for weight loss. I decided this might just be a good idea, so I have a way to look back at all the reasons I want to or need to lose weight. I think this will help me when I am getting discouraged. Why I Want To Lose Weight To have more confidence about myself To be healthier To get off metformin To reduce my anxiety To feel better To be able to fit in smaller and cuter clothes To have more sex with my husband To get pregnant My overall reason to lose the weight is to become not only healthier on the outside, but also to become healthier on the inside. My weight causes me severe anxiety and bad self esteem. I want to walk in a store with confidence and not walk in the store and think everyone is watching me and making fun because of my weight. With having struggled a large part of my life with … [Read more...]

It’s All About The Protein

With battling my weight most of my life, I decided to go talk to the Doctor about putting a plan into action. The struggles I have are not an overnight struggle, but a struggle that has been going on for as long as I can remember. I remember as soon as I hit about 13, the weight started coming on. I was very active as a child, we were always riding our bikes, and running around the neighborhood. When I hit 8th grade I was 180 pounds and wearing a size 18, after I got into high school things got worse, I jumped to 280. How this happened is really beyond me, we were walkers, we walked to and from school which was about 3/4 mile there and 3/4 mile back, we road bikes for miles a day, and we were always doing something. At a young age, I was never tested for a medical condition to see what the reasoning was for my weight gain. When I was 16 I was put on a pill to help aid me in my weight loss, shortly after the pill was pulled from the market. I did manage to get down to 205, but … [Read more...]

Top 3 Weight Loss Boosters

  Trying to lose weight can be both discouraging and depressing, when the scale is going down you will be glowing with excitement, then the scale will make a move up, and the heartache sinks in. With all the different weight loss aids on the market today, some can be very tempting, so tempting I can bet you just like me have made your way down the weight loss product aisles at your local store and read the labels. I have even researched several products and have tried several products on the market. I have found several to be helpful and several to be a waste of money. I have found the ones that suppress your appetite to work the best. Top 3 Weight Loss Boosters: 1.) Sensa - One of the biggest tricks to losing weight is portion control. We all know smaller portions, is the key to losing weight. However, we often forget what a proper portion is, or if the meal we are eating is good, we ignore the warnings that we're full. With Sensa, you will be able to reduce the amount of … [Read more...]

Back To The Daily Struggles

Today, I started back with the workouts. Weight loss and working out is such a struggle for me, I know I need to lose weight, I want to lose weight, but getting motivated to workout has become a challenge. It is a struggle because I am on the computer most the day trying to make money to pay bills. I know I cannot lose weight if I don't try, I know I feel like shit lately because I have not been working out, and all the weight I lost before has found its way back. So I am starting back at square one. I am not going to push myself like before, I am going to take this one day at a time, and pray for results. I go back to the doctor next month, hopefully they will be able to give me more help with my struggles, and help guide me. I need guidance, I need someone cheering me on and in my corner working out with me. One day at a time is all I can do, I pray the metformin will help me see the results I work so hard to find.   … [Read more...]