Weight Loss “Bucket” List

I was reading an article online that suggested making a list of the reasons why you want to lose weight. The article refereed to this as a "Why" list or a bucket list for weight loss. I decided this might just be a good idea, so I have a way to look back at all the reasons I want to or need to lose weight. I think this will help me when I am getting discouraged. Why I Want To Lose Weight To have more confidence about myself To be healthier To get off metformin To reduce my anxiety To feel better To be able to fit in smaller and cuter clothes To have more sex with my husband To get pregnant My overall reason to lose the weight is to become not only healthier on the outside, but also to become healthier on the inside. My weight causes me severe anxiety and bad self esteem. I want to walk in a store with confidence and not walk in the store and think everyone is watching me and making fun because of my weight. With having struggled a large part of my life with … [Read more...]