If The Power Goes Out I will Warm With Workouts

We have an ice storm headed our way, all I can say is blah. If the power goes out, they say it can be a few weeks before they get it restored. I am praying we have no power outages, I don't mind being homebound, but homebound with no heat is different. While I will still be working out, I will not be able to post if the power does go out. This is going to be a short post, I still have a few things needed done to prepare for tomorrow. Today's Workout #1 @ 10:10am 20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 40 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 5 miles on the exercise bike #2 @ 4:30pm 20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 5.5 miles on the bike 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell #3 @ 8:30pm 20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a … [Read more...]

Ice Cream and Donuts

Just kidding! I have been working my behind off to hard to let my love for sweets tempt me. Today marks day 6 of working out straight, three workouts a day, score. I am rocking it, and well I may get bored of posting, I don't think I will get to bored of working out. Today, I had a little more coffee then what I should have, but all is good. Today's Workouts #1 @ 10:10am 50 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 20 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights 5 miles on the exercise bike 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell #2 @ 4pm 40 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 10 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights 5 miles on the exercise bike 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell #3 @ 8:20pm 20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights 20 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 5 miles on the … [Read more...]

Brownie Anyone? Not For Me

I love sweets, they're my weakness. Last night I couldn't turn down the temptation and I had me a small bowl of moose track ice cream. I regreted it afterwards. With being over weight, my chances of conceiving are slim, so I need to stay on track! Tonight temptation was thrown my way again, this time a brownie with cream cheese frosting. Oh how I wanted to say yes and take one little bite. However, one bite would lead to another, then before I know it, I would have ate the whole brownie. I will not let anything set me back. I stepped on the scale this morning, and I am down 5 pounds in 4 days! Can we say HELL YES! Tomorrow I will be taking my measurements, and I will not step back on the scales for another two weeks. Did rather well with the food today, I will be making a shopping list soon and getting a bunch of veggies, and fruits. Are you ready for today's daily workouts? I know you are I blew this out the water! I had to work off that stupid ice cream from last … [Read more...]

Piece of Cake

I got this under control, losing this weight is going to be a piece of cake! HA pun intended. Another day is complete, I want to step on the scale, but then again I don't. I know what my round about weight was, and I think in a few days I will step on just to see. However, I am not going to let the scale discourage me, I have been doing that for the past 20 years. This time the scales will NOT win, I will. Today's Workouts #1 @ 10:30am 30 kettle bell swings with one 15 pound kettle bell 20 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights 5 miles on the exercise bike 30 curls with two 10 pound weights #2 @ 2pm 20 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights 20 curls with two 10 pound weights 5 miles on the exercise bike 40 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell #3 @ 6:30pm 20 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 30 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 5 miles on the exercise bike 20 kettle bell swings … [Read more...]

I Know I Can

All I can say is ouch. Everyday, I am going to push myself harder than the last, I cannot promise I will out do my day before, but I will always try. I woke up this morning, sore as could be, but I know the end reward is worth the aches and pains now. Today was pretty good when it comes to eating, I did have three cups of coffee, however, my food intake wasn't two bad. I had 5 small meals, and drank lots of water. Today I only had 7 x 16 ounces, but I am at least getting in my 10 x 8 ounces so that is a good thing. Today's Workouts #1 @ 10:30am 30 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 20 curls with two 10 pound weights 5 miles on the exercise bike 20 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights #2 @ 2:15pm 40 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 5 miles on the exercise bike 20 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights #3 @ 7:30pm 30 kettle bell swings All I can say is ouch. Everyday, I am going to push … [Read more...]

Kettle Bells, My New Best Friend

In order for me to stay focused, I have to log what I do several different ways. It all has to be in front of my face, so I know to keep at it. This isn't a short term process, this is long term, this is something I will be doing for the rest of my life. However, in order for it to all sink in, and for me to keep at it right this moment, I have to log it all. I have a dry erase board in my room, on it we have my husband's name, my name, the exercises we are to do, and our goal number. Since we are just starting back into this again, our goals are rather low. My Daily Goals 50 Curls 100 Kettle Bell Swings 5 Miles on the Exercise Bike 50 Flys (I cannot do these until I get smaller weights, 10 pound weights are NOT going to work) 50 overhead presses So far I am doing pretty good at keeping up with my goals. Today I have had 8 x 16 ounce glasses of water and food wise I haven't had anything to bad. Below are the mini workouts that I have done today, I can say my body is killing … [Read more...]

Getting Fit One Day At A Time

I don't do much with the site, so I decided I would use it to log my weight loss. It has been a very hard path for me, I lose then gain then lose and gain more. I have been big most my life, my lowest at adulthood was 205, at that time we got pregnant, I quit my job to be a stay at home mom. I then went into depression and on came the weight. Yesterday, was day 1 of my journey, I will log my activity on the site, to keep me going. I have to have it out there or I tend to give up. I have also put the scale up, and I will not be looking at that while I work to slim down. The scale always depresses me more, which causes me to eat and gain. Yesterday I had 5 x 16 ounces of water. I did drink two cups of coffee as well. With it being the day after Thanksgiving for lunch and dinner we had left overs. I had stuffing and turkey, not the best choices, but as I get going I will learn to reduce the bad things I put in my body. I did three mini workouts yesterday. #1 @ 9:30am 20 … [Read more...]