If The Power Goes Out I will Warm With Workouts

We have an ice storm headed our way, all I can say is blah. If the power goes out, they say it can be a few weeks before they get it restored. I am praying we have no power outages, I don’t mind being homebound, but homebound with no heat is different.

While I will still be working out, I will not be able to post if the power does go out. This is going to be a short post, I still have a few things needed done to prepare for tomorrow.

Today’s Workout

#1 @ 10:10am

20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights
30 curls with two 10 pound weights
40 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell
5 miles on the exercise bike

#2 @ 4:30pm

20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights
30 curls with two 10 pound weights
20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell
5.5 miles on the bike
20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell

#3 @ 8:30pm

20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights
30 curls with two 10 pound weights
20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell
5 miles on the bike.

Total Workout

90 curls
60 overheads
100 kettle bell swings
15.5 miles on the bike

One thing I noticed when working out, is I want to do it. I am not having to force myself. This is day 7 of doing 3 mini workouts.

In the past week I have done a total of…

650 curls with two 10 pound weights
690 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell
350 over head presses with two 10 pound weights
90.5 miles on the exercise bike.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is Owner of Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. Dizzy Mommy Chronicles is a place where Jammie can get control of her weight, one post at a time. For more information visit on Google+.

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