Does money issues have you putting those credit cards on hold? Has it got so bad where you have stopped paying credit cards? Did you know there are places out there that can help you lower those bills so you can pay them. I knew long ago I would be bad when it came to those credit cards so I never got one. Having one would be great for emergency reasons; however, those who get them for that reason end up charging them up for other non-emergency items. Don't let that credit card debt keep piling up, and stop those annoying calls by making plans to pay off that debt. With Christmas coming up most will probably be going over board and making several charges, if at all possible try saving so much out of your pay check each week and make this holiday a non credit card one, if you don't have the cash for the item, don't get it. How many of you have several credit cards? … [Read more...]
Monster High Costumes
We went to Walmart last night and they had a display where the Monster High Costumes once were. It looks as though every little girl in the county will be going as those Monster High girls. Last year my daughter went as lagoona blue. This year they have more costumes, and Monster High has become a bit more popular. I can say this much at least when we go to the store we have a selection of Monster High dolls now. Before as soon as they hit the shelves they were sold and on ebay with jacked up prices. I remember when the $22 sweet 1600 car was on ebay for almost $80 dollars. I mean really some people are worse then the people running our oil supply and gas stations. My daughter never got into Barbie dolls, so when the Monster High dolls came out I wasn't sure she would actually play with them once she got them. To my surprise she places with them for hours at a time. She has roughly 22 thankfully she earned the money from Grandma and Grandpa, to purchase most of them. I think … [Read more...]
Becoming A Freelance Copywriter
Freelance writing can pertain to several different types of written word. Resume writing as well as news and sales articles are all written by professional copywriters. Although becoming a freelance copywriter is not for everyone, those who are interested in pursuing a career as a copywriter have great training options available. If you are not familiar with the industry, you may find yourself asking: what is a freelance copywriter? While often overlooked, many of the sales pitches and persuasive articles you have read on the Internet were written by a skilled copywriter. Freelance copy writing is a challenging career and is not for everyone. Those willing to invest some time and effort however, can become very successful. A freelance copywriter professional not only has an extensive vocabulary and superior writing skills, but also is knowledgeable of the psychology and thoughts of the common consumer. A freelance copywriter combines this knowledge to deliver clear, concise … [Read more...]
Several Jobs Out There
We keep hearing about there being no jobs, but there are jobs, just jobs many people don't qualify for. If you are currently looking for a job, one of your best bets would be to contact a employment agency. These agencies are here to help those without work find jobs that they can do. Whether is be office work or factory work. Sometimes it can take time for the agency to find something that would be a great fit for you. While these jobs are usually always temporary and have no promise that you will be working for a set period. If you go into the job and you show them what you are capable of doing, chances are your temp job may turn into a permanent job. Employers want workers who are going to pull their own weight, and not ones that have to be told what to do and do more wondering than working. I have found that if you are good to your boss your boss will be good to you. Sometimes though it does take time to find that perfect job, not everyone is cut out to do certain things. If … [Read more...]
Learning The Ins and Outs of The Mortgage Industry
Whether you're an existing homeowner, first time buyer or an associate within a mortgage company, learning the industry specifics about mortgages can be very beneficial. If you're on the market for your first home, then it is important that you understand exactly how a home mortgage works. There are a great deal of things to consider when making such an important purchase. The choices you make not only effect you, but also your entire family. Although choices such as location, size and the look of a new home are crucial, how you mortgage your home will play a long term role in the family's finances. Down payment, interest rates and closing costs will be deciding factors in regard to your monthly mortgage rates. For existing homeowners, refinancing your mortgage may provide monthly savings or decrease the term of your payments. Those purchasing their second or even third home can especially benefit from an industry education about mortgage standards. From within a mortgage … [Read more...]
North Carolina Real Estate Options For Movers
Deciding to move is a big event that requires many plans in order to go smoothly and successfully. Even if you have already secured work in a new location, choosing the right home can be one of the biggest challenges you and your family face. For new or first time home buyers, the real estate Highlands NC has to choose from can be the best option in securing a quality home for you and your loved ones. You want the very best for you and your family when choosing a new home, this makes the Highland, NC area an ideal choice for many in the area. A beautiful and secluded 685 acres is home to some of the most beautiful homes in the area. Surprisingly, this huge space only accommodates a small number of homes. With only 288 houses, this Highland real estate area offers buyers a private and luxurious option for new residency. Moving anywhere will require careful planning and making good choices. For many educated buyers, the great Highland, NC choices are the ideal location for peaceful … [Read more...]
Investing In Gold For Future Profits
Every commodity on the stock market is important, but precious metals are a particularly good choice for middle class investors. The prices of precious metals rise and fall just like other goods, but you can be rest assured their prices always stay somewhat stable. The reason for this is because of their wide variety of uses. Gold and silver are used to make jewelry, colored glass, time pieces and highly collectible coins and currency. This means that in order to invest in precious metals, you don't need to practice stock trading. One of the easiest ways to invest in precious metals is to acquire goods containing them yourself. The American eagle gold coin is a shining example of these items. Collectible coins are a wise investment for the future because not only does their precious metal content contribute to their value, but so does their age. If kept in good quality and condition over the years, gold and silver coins can turn quite the profit in time. The same goes for antique … [Read more...]
Are you prepared??
Every where you turn people are losing their jobs. Things are not like they were 10 years ago with gas prices and jobs being outsourced. People are losing homes, cars and everything they've worked so hard for. There have been some circumstances in my life lately that's got me thinking - "Are we prepared?" If one of us were without a job, or God forbid both, would we be able to keep up with the lifestyle we are so accustomed to? We don't live a lavish lifestyle at all we do have times where we are living paycheck to paycheck. Which is why it got me thinking, what would we do??! My Dad is a financial genius. I'm not just saying that because he's my Dad, but he's one smart cookie. He married my Mom at a very young age straight out of high school and has worked hard not only at his job, but at making sure he was always able to take care of his family. .. and one big way he did that was learning how to save and also to live within his means. When I started asking him how we should … [Read more...]
5 Different Types Of Sweepstakes
With being a person who enters sweepstakes, I never new there was a difference until I started entering. I then discovered there is many different kinds. You have your giveaways, your contests, your blog giveaways, then you have your sweepstakes. The top 5 sweepstakes are as followed... Car Sweepstakes - Who doesn't want a brand new vehicle with hardly no miles! I know I do, so I enter these ones as well. Electronic Sweepstakes - Anything electronics here, ipads, iphones, home theater systems, tablets, and all those other electronics. Cash Sweepstakes - These are the ones many people try to enter. These range anywhere from $10 all the way to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Vacation Sweepstakes - Want a free vacation? Enter these sweepstakes you can win trips to other places in the USA and even trips to exotic lands. Instant Win Sweepstakes - These are very popular and often have a lot of winners. A company will hold a sweepstakes where one will have a chance to win … [Read more...]
Viacom and Directv Head to Head
So what is everyone intact on Viacom demanding their channels be pulled by Directv? I know many people are putting blame on directv, however, if you dig into this whole situation deeper you will see viacom is the one to blame. Within the next few years, most people will be streaming all their shows online, so Directv is trying to not only help you, but also themselves by trying to come up with a deal where you the consumer, can purchase ONLY the channels you watch. We had Directv at one time, however, we didn't feel we should have to pay for all those channels we didn't watch when we only watched a certain few. However, those certain few were on the most expensive package deal you could get. We have not had Directv in almost a year, we do have Netflix, and Hulu Desktop, and well we know we can always go to the network sites, and often watch some of our favorite channels. From my understanding Disney just came out with an app to let you watch their shows on your Apple products. I … [Read more...]