Why You’re Not Losing As Much Weight As You’d Hope

It can feel pretty empowering to take a stand and proclaim (to yourself): “I’m going to lose weight!” But there’s one surefire way for your enthusiasm to take a nosedive, and that is if you’re not making as much progress as you’d like to make. However, there’s no reason to call the whole thing off: it’s possible that there’s a variable factor that’s stopping you from shedding as many pounds as you’d like. Below, we take a look at seven reasons the weight may not be falling off.

You’ve Just Started

Rome wasn’t built in a day! Losing weight is like anything else in life, it takes time. If you’ve been dieting for a week and you’re barely noticing any changes, then it’s not the end of the world. The journey has only just begun, and it won’t be until you’re further along than you begin to see changes. If you find this difficult to accept, or have doubts about how legitimate it is, think of it this way: a person who visited a gym to build muscle wouldn’t see any results for six weeks or so. If they can power through, then so can you.

Bad Habits

It’s all good and well having the discipline to stick to a diet, but it’s not going to be worth all that much if you’re cheating every now and again. When Friday evening rolls around, it’s tempting to adopt an “it’s the weekend” approach to your diet, and opt for that takeout meal. But just think about the effect that this will have. You’ll have undone all your good work. Be especially vigilant during social occasions and when you’re drinking alcohol, lest you give in to the food you know you shouldn’t be eating. Oh, and talking of alcohol, you might want to keep away from that too; it has more calories than you might imagine.

Underestimating Gym Time

Some people can get pretty pleased with themselves when they sign up for a gym membership, and even more so when they actually go. But here’s the thing: visiting a gym won’t do much good all by itself. It’s what you do there that’s really going to count. Most people underestimate how much time they need to spend there, and in other cases, overestimate how hard they’re working. They say that most people call it a day when they’re 60% done. Dig deep, and push yourself to the limit. You’ll find that progress comes much quicker.

No Extra Help

You shouldn’t let your gym time be responsible for taking care of everything. It’s like when you’re building muscle; what you lift at the weight machines is important, but the real work takes place after, when you’re having a protein shake. The same can be applied to losing weight. Alongside your gym time, help yourself lose weight even faster by making the most of combination peptide treatment; if you don’t know what this is, you can click here for more info. It’s hard to lose weight all by yourself, everyone needs that little bit extra help and support.

You’ve Hit Your Limit

It’s important to have a clear target in mind when you begin your weight loss journey, one that’s achievable. That gives you something to aim for, which is crucial when it comes to powering through when you want to give up. But there’s another benefit, too, and that is that it’ll stop you from going on and on, trying to lose more weight. There’s an upper limit of weight that you’ll be able to lose, and also that you should lose. Make sure you’re keeping an eye on your BMI, and not just trying to become as slim as possible.

Your Age Is a Factor

You will also have to accept, one day at least, that your body is beginning to work against you. While it’s always possible to be healthy, you could find that you’re not as able to keep your weight down as you once were.

Not Eating Enough

You might think that eating less than you need would be a good thing if you want to lose weight, but this is not the case. It’s imperative that you’re always getting as many calories as you need! If you don’t, what will happen is your body will try to hold on your fat, because it thinks it needs it. So if you’re going to lose weight, don’t try and cheat the system by eating less than you need. It won’t work!

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is Owner of Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. Dizzy Mommy Chronicles is a place where Jammie can get control of her weight, one post at a time. For more information visit on Google+.

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