On The Move Again

With having recently lost almost 30 pounds I don’t want to gain it all back. So I have broke out the fitbit, and I will be using it daily to make sure I am moving more. I want to try and get in my 10,000 steps a day! Yesterday, I pulled out my shorts I haven’t worn in over 5 years, and to my surprise they fit!

They were a tight fit, however, they fit. So I have two choices, I can continue to sit on my ass and let the shorts get to tight on me, and gain back all the weight I lost. OR I can keep moving, keep watching what I eat and lose more weight so the shorts are to big.

I have decided for the second option. I want another child more than ever and as long as I stay fat, my hormones will stay screwed up, and there will be no chance for another mini me.

While life can be tough, I cannot let it win, so I am on the move again. I will work on doing weekly updates to keep myself motivated. I wish we had better places to walk here, like I had in Michigan. However, I will make due with what I have and walk, walk, and walk.

For all those who have lost weight, give me some tips, best ways to get in those steps? Best foods to eat? Best ways to stay motivated?

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is Owner of Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. Dizzy Mommy Chronicles is a place where Jammie can get control of her weight, one post at a time. For more information visit on Google+.

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