Archives for April 2012

Stress From Moving

I never really realized how stressful moving could be. After moving twice in the past 8 months, I am done moving. We should have never went back to Michigan in the first place, if we would have toughed it out here, we would have been fine I think. However, when you have anxiety like I have, you freak out about pretty much everything. All that runs through my head most the time is numbers, I all the time have all my bill amounts running through my head, and when it comes time for them to be due I freak out twice as bad. I have to say xanax has been helping a lot. I am to the point in my life, where I say "we will be fine"... Even if I know we might not be fine. I have slowly been getting everything unpacked, and washed. I can actually move around in my kitchen now. Before I had a path to the sink, and the fridge. When I need to cook I would have to move a bunch of things out of my way! I am down to about 5 more boxes, which isn't bad at all. I have about 6 more loads of wash to do … [Read more...]

When My Anxiety Started

What exactly is anxiety? A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Desire to do something, typically accompanied by unease. I have been dealing with anxiety since I was a young child. My earliest attack I was about 6 or so. When I was younger my parents divorced, and growing up for me was hell. It had its good times, but most were bad times. I am slowly learning how to cope and deal with the issues from my childhood. It has been very hard for me to open up to others about my childhood. However, I know I can not completely heal if I don't open up, and get these things off my chest. I know I will always have anxiety, and I will have to learn to live life with my problems. However, I also know that I can find ways to help relax myself when anxiety kicks in. On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst, I would have to say my anxiety most times is a 10. If I can catch my anxiety before it … [Read more...]

Back Home

I have been a little less active over here, and I apologize. There has been a lot going on in my personal life, and well sometimes our personal lives have to come first. Shortly after moving back to Michigan, I went to seek professional help. Yup, I am a bit crazy and I knew I needed something. A lot had happened in my childhood, and I hang on to those demons. I need help in letting go, so that I can be a good wife and mother. I got put on some meds to somewhat help me, however, meds are only a temporary fix. I need to learn to cope with what has happened. I was making great progress, then a bunch of crap happened, and I had a set back. Now that we are back in our own home, I can hopefully begin to actually heal from things that have happened in the past, and make my future more positive. I may turn this blog into a more personal blog, so that I can help others in the same situation I face daily. Living with anxiety and depression is not fun, and in order for parents living with … [Read more...]

Heading Back South

My family will be heading back South soon, and I have to admit I am pretty excited. Well, I am and I am not. I am because it is our home, and I can run around in a tshirt and panties, and not have to worry about nothing. Plus, living with others can be stressful. Things didn't go as they were supposed to up here, and to be honest, I shouldn't be surprised. My eyes were blinded and I thought people could change. However, some people will never change, and I have now learned that. I have learned the people not in my life are not in my life for a reason, and sometimes you should just leave them in the past. A lot of good did come out of being here though, and for that I am thankful. I am thankful my mom is back in my life, and I am thankful I have had the time to spend with my sister and her awesome babies. I am sad because I will miss them all, but thank goodness for the cell phone, and the internet right? I am not looking forward to the long drive back home, we decided my husband … [Read more...]

Choosing the Right Kind of Mother’s Day Gift

There is not a doubt in anyone's mind that our moms have a tremendous effect on our lives, and that they do a lot of things to help us out and to also make sure that we have all of the things that we need in order to become healthy balanced people. They do things like nurse us through illnesses, and they all seem to make sacrifices for the benefit of their children. They do not have to do things like this, but they make these kinds of choices because they love us, and not because they have to. There are a lot of gifts that you can choose for the mom in your life, whether it is your mom, or someone else's mom. One of the things that you can choose as a great Mother's Day gifts are things like gift cards, or even items from your mom's favorite store will be something that she is sure to appreciate and love. Each mom is going to be different, and have different things that they like and dislike. There are not often going to be two moms who like the same thing, just like there are not … [Read more...]

Protecting Yourself From Fraud

If you are new to the business world, you probably are looking for ways to better your company, and to get a better understanding on how things are done. One of the main things about running a company is not only keeping your customers and employees happy, it's also about protecting your company from fraud. I have been working on starting a business for awhile now, and one of my main focuses is creating opportunity for others, as well as protecting my business against fraud. While doing research I learned about a company that holds events that not only show business owners how to protect themselves against fraud, but also how to create those opportunities I am looking to create. As a business owner you can never have to much knowledge, you can however have not enough. I decided to look deeper into this company so I searched "Marcus Evans review". I learned the company is not only well known, but they are very successful in what they do. I also learned they hold conferences to … [Read more...]