I took my daughter to the movies to see this, and I have to say I was a big cry baby! This movie has so many great points, and Miley is amazing in it. I usually don't like paying the high costs, but this was one movie that I am glad I was able to take my daughter too see. With her grandfather passing away in 2007 due to cancer, this was a tear jerk-er for sure. Even to this day, when I watch it, I find tears welling up. Since the Hannah Montana show, my daughter has decided to no longer be a fan of Miley's I do believe this was due to her song Can't Be Tamed. I do believe Miley is now more for the older crowd due to the direction she took after leaving Disney. I personally still love the work that she does, and to be honest, I am glad my daughter has decided to back away from her. Not because of how the media portrays her, but because she is growing, and her career has moved her to more adult like surroundings. If you haven't seen the Last Song, and feel it's one of those … [Read more...]