I LOVE me some sweets. My waistline on the other hand doesn't! So when I get the urge for something sweet, I try to find something to make that is a bit on the healthy side. Last night was one of those nights, I wanted something sweet, but also healthy and filling. So what did I do, I took to pinterest. What can I say I love me some pinterest! With only having two ingredients, and healthy ones at that I took to the kitchen. I had some dark chocolate chips so I did add about a handful into the mix as well. I then popped them in the oven and baked them. Once they were done, we of course had to have some! My honest opinion on this sweet treat, it was a bit mushy, and if it didn't have the chocolate chips in it, I don't think I would have liked them. The chocolate chips gave it a simple yummy twist. Have a sweet tooth with not much in the cupboard, whip you up some of these yummy healthy cookies. Make sure to add you some chocolate chips or you might not think they're all … [Read more...]
Cookies, Cookies Everywhere!
Dark Chocolate Cookie Recipe

As I sat here, I started to get a sweet tooth. I decided I would Google chocolate cookies. I mean I had everything! I came across this recipe for Chocolate Cookies with Hershey Chocolate. After looking at the recipe I decided I would alter it a bit for my own needs. I personally felt there were to much of some ingredients in it, and I only had self-rise flour. Chewy Chocolate Cookies 1 1/2 cups Self-Rise Flour 2 Sticks Unsalted Butter (softened) 3/4 cups Sugar 1/2 Brown Sugar 2 tsp Vanilla Extract 2 Eggs 1/2 cup Hershey Dark Cocoa With a mixer, mix butter, sugar, and brown sugar together. Once everything is mixed add two eggs. Mix well! Slowly mix in your dark cocoa and flour. I mixed cocoa fixed then added the flour. Once everything is mixed well add the vanilla and mix a bit more. Spoon on a cookie tray, and bake in the oven on 350 for about 10 minutes. Let cool, then make the next batch, this recipe makes about 2 dozen. You can add it to a recipe calorie … [Read more...]