Options to Add Health to Your Daily Life

Getting healthy is an important thing for people to do, whether they are already well or wanting to get well. The key is to find the right way to add health to your lifestyle without turning your diet and exercise routine upside down. The key is to start with a little at a time, then you can add more healthful foods and actions later. Here are some easy ways to add healthy habits to your daily life. Exchange One Processed Food for One Natural Food Millions of people consume highly processed foods every day because they are affordable and taste good. However, many are not good for your overall health, especially if your diet is more than 50 percent processed foods. Exchanging just one processed food for a natural one, such as fruits and vegetables, can help you move to a healthier diet without much effort. If you want even more healthy items in your diet without making a huge change, you can also try to add natural health supplements to get all of your vitamins and minerals each … [Read more...]

On The Move Again

With having recently lost almost 30 pounds I don't want to gain it all back. So I have broke out the fitbit, and I will be using it daily to make sure I am moving more. I want to try and get in my 10,000 steps a day! Yesterday, I pulled out my shorts I haven't worn in over 5 years, and to my surprise they fit! They were a tight fit, however, they fit. So I have two choices, I can continue to sit on my ass and let the shorts get to tight on me, and gain back all the weight I lost. OR I can keep moving, keep watching what I eat and lose more weight so the shorts are to big. I have decided for the second option. I want another child more than ever and as long as I stay fat, my hormones will stay screwed up, and there will be no chance for another mini me. While life can be tough, I cannot let it win, so I am on the move again. I will work on doing weekly updates to keep myself motivated. I wish we had better places to walk here, like I had in Michigan. However, I will make due … [Read more...]

Seeing The Damage

Today is the day we get to go see about getting our taxes started! We get to see what the damage is and how much we are getting back. I honestly didn't think we would get anything back since we don't pay in. However, since we are in a small tax bracket we will get enough back to pay what we owe and to get some back. Taxes are so confusing to me, over the past 9 years I have always done our taxes, this year I am not even going to attempt to figure them out. We will be going in to get them done, I am only hoping we get enough back to pay the car off. That would be awesome!!! Paying the car off means I will be able to enjoy some much needed time away from the computer and more time with my family! A large part of our time is spent working on the computer. We need to reverse those roles, and spend a large part of our time off the computer. Since winter has been here I have gained about 15 pounds, and I am already big, so this needs to be tackled and soon. When we were in … [Read more...]