Options to Add Health to Your Daily Life

Getting healthy is an important thing for people to do, whether they are already well or wanting to get well. The key is to find the right way to add health to your lifestyle without turning your diet and exercise routine upside down. The key is to start with a little at a time, then you can add more healthful foods and actions later. Here are some easy ways to add healthy habits to your daily life. Exchange One Processed Food for One Natural Food Millions of people consume highly processed foods every day because they are affordable and taste good. However, many are not good for your overall health, especially if your diet is more than 50 percent processed foods. Exchanging just one processed food for a natural one, such as fruits and vegetables, can help you move to a healthier diet without much effort. If you want even more healthy items in your diet without making a huge change, you can also try to add natural health supplements to get all of your vitamins and minerals each … [Read more...]

Saving Money While Losing Weight

Losing weight can be tough! It seems like the more you attempt to eat healthy and exercise the more it costs! However, losing weight doesn't have to be costly. You can still lose weight all while saving money! Follow my tips below to reduce the size of your waist while increasing the size of your wallet. Drop the Gym Membership Are you crazy drop the gym membership! How do you expect me to lose weight without the gym? Instead of paying for a gym membership, set up a small gym in your home. Not only will this save you money by removing the membership costs, it will also save you money on gas. You won't have an excuse not to workout because you can always find time in your day while at home to hit the weights. This means fatter wallet skinnier waist, I call this a win win all the way around. Use Coupons If you need a membership to the gym for whatever reason, at least find a gym that has discounts or coupon deals. Losing weight shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. I know for me when … [Read more...]

End of Month Weigh In

As I was getting closer and closer to the end of the month, I started to get very nervous. I was worried I wasn't doing enough. I had been working out almost everyday, I tried to do 10 to 15 miles on the stationary bike, as well as lots of weights. I also been doing a lot of spring cleaning, however, my scale kept bouncing me, and even though I could tell I had lost weight, my bathroom scale was saying I was about the same. So when I got weighed by the doctors scale it came back I was down 12 pounds! Yes, 12 pounds from April 1st to May 1st. I think this metformin maybe working for me, I also learned that out of those 12 pounds I lost 8.6 of those were fat pounds! I never thought I would lose 12 pounds in a month, it shows what lowering your calorie intake and upping your protein intake can really do for you. I will keep doing what I have been doing, working out 30 minutes to an hour a day, eating low calorie foods like fish, yogurt, and cottage cheese that's high in … [Read more...]

Four Weeks Already?

Today marks 4 weeks since I started working out. I have to say I am proud of myself, in those four weeks, there has only been about 3 days that I didn't do some sort of workout. Now that I am on the right track, eating better, and working out more. It is time to see all those pounds drop... I hope anyways. Tuesday I will take measurements. I took a quick measurement yesterday and the results were okay. I would like to see them go down a lot more, however, I cannot expect the weight and inches to drop super fast. I think that's what discourages people when losing weight. They want the weight off NOW not later and when the weight moves slow even though they're busting their ass, it can become a bit depressing. I can only hope that once I lose some weight my hormones will balance themselves out, and my husband and I can conceive. I do have doubts that baby number 2 will be only a dream, however, I know it is in the hands of God on whether we do conceive baby number 2. Here is to … [Read more...]

The Little Things

I know I said I was going to update my progress nightly, however, sometimes by the time it's bedtime, I am so sleepy I am not even thinking to get on here and do a post, I am wanting to curl in bed with my husband under the nice warm blankets and sleep. I haven't been doing the three workouts like I started out doing, I am wanting to give my body a small break, but not a long enough one to get to use to not working out again. Yesterday, I added more to my first two workouts to make up for the third one being missing. However, I am working out for longer times during 1 and 2 so it is still as if I am doing 3 but I am in burn calorie mode longer in workout 1 and 2. Workout for December 10th #1 @ 12:30pm 20 overhead presses 30 kettle bell swings 20 deadlifts 30 curls 5 miles on the bike #2 @ 4pm 20 overhead presses 30 curls 35 kettle bell swings 20 deadlifts 3 miles on the bike. Tuesday was a slow day for me with workout, I did go and walk around the … [Read more...]

Weigh In Time

You think I done gave up don’t-cha! Hah not me. I did take a break Sunday, my body was in desperate need. However, come Monday, I got right back into it.  I did forget to post an update though, so here is Monday's update. You already know I use 15 pound kettle bells, and 10 pound dumbbells. Monday's Workout #1 @ 9:20am 20 overhead presses 30 curls 20 dead lifts 5 miles on bike 20 kettle bell swings #2 @ 12:50pm 30 Kettle bell swings 20 deadlifts 20 overhead presses 20 curls 5 miles on bike #3 @ 6pm 30 kettlebell swings 20 deadlifts 20 overhead presses 20 curls 5 miles on bike Total Workout 70 curls 80 swings 15 miles on bike 60 deadlifts 60 overhead presses This morning was weigh in, and I am down 7 pounds in 12 days! Woot! I will be taking measurements later and will post inches lost this evening. In the past week I am down 2 pounds, most weight lost was in the first week of working out because I shocked my body. … [Read more...]

Only two Workouts Today

My body is starting to feel it all over, and I think after 9 days straight of working out, I need to give my body a day off to rest. I will probably still workout tomorrow, I just will not be pushing myself as hard. I need my body to heal so I can shock it again. Today after workout #1 my husband decided to call a challenge, he was going to do 200 flys with two 10 pound weights, but I was to do 200 curls with those same two 10 pound weights. Well, I completed the challenge but my arms were dead, and I didn't meet a lot of my goals for the day. Am I disappointed in this no, because I tried my best and I did what I could I got in two workouts today. #1 @ 11am 20 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 deadlifts with a 15 pound kettle bell 20 kettle bell swings 5 miles on the exercise bike At this point my husband called for the challenge so I did curls through out the day 12:45pm 40 curls #2 @ 1:45pm 20 overhead … [Read more...]

Break Time? I Think Not

I debated on taking a break today, my body is really feeling the workouts, but I decided against it. While, I know my body needs time to heal itself after workouts, I don't think right now is the time, I have my body in burn mode and I need to keep it there, at least for another few days. I would like to make it to day 14 with working out daily, then take a day break and start again. Or I may just not do as much in one day, so I am not completely stopping. After adding the numbers up yesterday and seeing what all I did in one week, I was on cloud nine. That is a lot, and I am so proud of myself for sticking to it. Today, we had some ice come in, thankfully it wasn't to bad and our power only flickered. I did get my workouts in early today, and I didn't do all of my kettle bell swings, but overall it was a good day. Today’s Workout #1 @ 12:10pm 20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 5 miles on the exercise bike 30 kettle bell … [Read more...]

If The Power Goes Out I will Warm With Workouts

We have an ice storm headed our way, all I can say is blah. If the power goes out, they say it can be a few weeks before they get it restored. I am praying we have no power outages, I don't mind being homebound, but homebound with no heat is different. While I will still be working out, I will not be able to post if the power does go out. This is going to be a short post, I still have a few things needed done to prepare for tomorrow. Today's Workout #1 @ 10:10am 20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 40 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 5 miles on the exercise bike #2 @ 4:30pm 20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 5.5 miles on the bike 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell #3 @ 8:30pm 20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights 30 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a … [Read more...]

Ice Cream and Donuts

Just kidding! I have been working my behind off to hard to let my love for sweets tempt me. Today marks day 6 of working out straight, three workouts a day, score. I am rocking it, and well I may get bored of posting, I don't think I will get to bored of working out. Today, I had a little more coffee then what I should have, but all is good. Today's Workouts #1 @ 10:10am 50 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 20 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights 5 miles on the exercise bike 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell #2 @ 4pm 40 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 10 overhead presses with two 10 pound weights 5 miles on the exercise bike 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell #3 @ 8:20pm 20 over head presses with two 10 pound weights 20 curls with two 10 pound weights 20 kettle bell swings with a 15 pound kettle bell 5 miles on the … [Read more...]