Scholastic Printables Great For Home Schoolers

We have been homeschooling our daughter since she was in kindergarten. One thing I like about homeschooling her is all the options we have. We are not set to only one topic, and when she starts having issues in other areas we can work harder on that topic before we move on. One of my favorites sites is Scholastic. They offer thousands of printable worksheets, that will allow us to mix and match until she gets the hang of what we are working on.

Another thing I like is the fact they do have worksheets for all subjects which we like to use throughout our schooling. However, you don’t need to be a homeschooler to use these worksheets. They can be used by both parents and teachers with children in grades Pre-K to 8th.

My favorite is the math worksheets, Gillian has been having issues with multiplication so when I searched for multiplication worksheet printables it brought me to Scholastic’s and I was hooked. When we were in Michigan I was even printing these off and letting my nieces and nephew do them.

If you have a child that isn’t a fan of learning, maybe you could make a game out of it, and print the worksheets to play school with your little ones, using our imaginations, can not only open the door to our children loving to learn, but it a great way for mother and child to bond.




About Jammie Morey

Jammie is Owner of Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. Dizzy Mommy Chronicles is a place where Jammie can get control of her weight, one post at a time. For more information visit on Google+.

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