Are There Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training?

A lot of people can be put off working out as they imagine the typical image of pounding the treadmill in the gym, and spending hours in there. But there is so much more to exercise than going to the gym and spending a lot of time. You can get a good workout in the comfort of your own home, all under half an hour if you are short on time. So really, there are no excuses to not get started. You just need to know what to be doing.

With that in mind, today’s post is all about the benefits of training using high-intensity interval training, or HIIT as it has become known. The results are proven that it works, and it helps you to get fitter, as well as get lean. So here is a little more about it, and why you should be using it for your exercise regimen.

Burn Lots of Calories in Short Amount of Time

There have been studies looking into HIIT workouts to see how many calories that you actually burn. One particular study, found on, looked into thirty minutes of HIIT, versus thirty minutes of either running, cycling, or weight training, and the results were pretty amazing. It was found that nearly a third more calories were burned during that time doing HIIT, than any of the other forms of exercise. So for anyone wanting to lose weight, it is a great place to start.

High Metabolic Rate

There is a little known fact about HIIT, and that it helps you after you have worked out, as well as while you are working out. The reason being is that it helps your metabolic rate long after you have worked out, which helps you burn calories all while you are just sat there. When you have more muscle tone, your metabolic rate is higher, and you can get this through HIIT training. It could be made even higher with some of the right post-workout supplements too. It could be worth looking at somewhere like to choose the best one for you, especially if you are looking to give yourself a post-workout boost.

Fat Loss

Burning calories doesn’t always have anything to do with fat loss. But because of the combination of cardio and bodyweight exercises, you can quite easily burn fat too. It was found in a study that when overweight individuals did twenty minute HIIT sessions for three times a week, over 12 weeks, they lost 2 kgs of body fat, without making any changes to their diet.

Improve Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Overall, a HIIT workout can have an amazing impact on your health. It can help you to reduce how much you weigh and the amount of body fat that you have, but due to the nature of it, you can also improve your blood pressure and resting heart rate massively (though this is normally been proven with individuals with high blood pressure, compared to those with an already normal blood pressure).

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is Owner of Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. Dizzy Mommy Chronicles is a place where Jammie can get control of her weight, one post at a time. For more information visit on Google+.

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