I never really realized how stressful moving could be. After moving twice in the past 8 months, I am done moving. We should have never went back to Michigan in the first place, if we would have toughed it out here, we would have been fine I think. However, when you have anxiety like I have, you freak out about pretty much everything.
All that runs through my head most the time is numbers, I all the time have all my bill amounts running through my head, and when it comes time for them to be due I freak out twice as bad. I have to say xanax has been helping a lot. I am to the point in my life, where I say “we will be fine”… Even if I know we might not be fine.
I have slowly been getting everything unpacked, and washed. I can actually move around in my kitchen now. Before I had a path to the sink, and the fridge. When I need to cook I would have to move a bunch of things out of my way! I am down to about 5 more boxes, which isn’t bad at all. I have about 6 more loads of wash to do still… Ugh I hate washing clothes. They need to make a dryer that in the summer it blows out cold air, and in the winter it blows out hot air!
I will be glad when everything is unpacked and in its place, and all I have to do is keep things cleaned!
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