Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Your Newborn

When you’re taking care of a newborn, especially for the first time, it’s only natural to get tunnel vision. Your body and mind start by going into overdrive, with boundless energy and instinct driving you to take care of your child. The thing about this, though, is that the post-partum period for every mother is different, and in some cases, it can be extremely difficult to navigate. In time, you start to deal with the exhaustion of the amount of work you are putting in, the pain left over from childbirth and the number of responsibilities you may have put to the side start piling up. It’s difficult for new mothers to find that balance between parenthood and personal fulfillment both logistically and mentally. Make sure that you stay on top of things like self-care.


One important thing that sometimes gets left out of the self-care umbrella is taking care of your own health. Make sure that you’re not only keeping up good health habits as best you can, but make sure that you’re regularly checking in with your health professionals. For example, let’s look at some insight from the dentists at 44 West Dental, a dental office based in West Michigan. They offer some of the following preventative care in order to make sure your teeth are okay while you’re probably thinking about what your baby should be consuming:

“Digital X‑Rays: Screen for and detect problems that aren’t obvious during a routine clinical exam. X-rays can identify cavities, certain periodontal problems, and other pathology of the teeth and jawbone.

Sealants: Create a bonded barrier that prevents decay in molars with deep pits and grooves and are usually completed on children when the permanent molars erupt.”

Note that these are only a few examples of things that can help take care of your teeth on a regular basis. Ultimately, meeting with your dentist is the best way to make sure you’re getting the procedures done that match your needs. The reason that this is so important is that a lot of health problems become health problems when the initial symptoms and signs are neglected. You want to be at your best to take care of your infant, so make sure that you don’t let your focus on the newborn be at your own expense.

The Added Options

This is only one part of a self-care regimen, though, even with a baby around. For example, one hallmark of parenthood is sleep disruption. A lot of well-meaning new moms feel that they’re at the baby’s mercy, and end up just sleeping whenever they are able. This is the wrong way to look at it, though. Not everyone is able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat, and it’s being scientifically proven that there are a ton of reasons to want to avoid sleep deprivation. Try to establish a set period to sleep each day, perhaps after certain feedings during the day. You may need to switch up sleeping from normal, and those late-night feedings will still happen, but you’ll still get the sleep you need some way.

While you may find yourself feeling tired and not at your best, it’s important to do things here and there so you still feel like a mother and yourself. Even if you’re still working on losing the baby weight, don’t feel that you’re bound to maternity outfits and nothing else. There are still plenty of inexpensive jeans and shirts in your size that will have you feeling confident. The same applies to other things like your haircut or beauty practices. Try to use what time you have to reclaim activities you may have put on hold during pregnancy.

Finally, when it comes to taking care of yourself, don’t be afraid to ask friends and loved ones for support, especially if you’re new to taking care of newborns and they have experience. Even the best parents can still run out of energy, and this gives you a chance to recharge your batteries while knowing your child is in good hands. What do you plan on doing with the spare time? Whatever you want, whether it’s going out with your partner, heading out to a spa, or simply taking an extended nap. Part of good self-care is having the ability to do as you feel every now and again.

At the end of the day, you should treasure the time you have with your newborn, but in order to fully enjoy it, you want to be at your best too. Make sure that you always do a little something for yourself every day or so to keep a healthy balance.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is Owner of Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. Dizzy Mommy Chronicles is a place where Jammie can get control of her weight, one post at a time. For more information visit on Google+.

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