As parents we want to make sure our children have the best medical coverage possible. We want to assure ourselves if something were to happen we know they will get the best care. Often times our employer will offer our families a medical insurance plan. However, in my experience it has been just basic insurance with a high co pay. When my husband had medical insurance on us through his employer it covered very little. We were paying $60 a month for the insurance plus we had a $30 co-pay every time we went to the doctor. We decided it was time to look into other insurance coverage when we received a bill showing the insurance company only covered .27 cents of a $151.00 bill. Trying to find cheap inexpensive medical coverage that is also good is not easy. However, as long as you know where to look you will have no trouble finding coverage that will be perfect for your family. One thing to remember when looking for insurance is how good it is for children. Some insurance maybe … [Read more...]
Thinking About Quitting
It won't be long and it will be time to make those New Year's Resolutions. How many of you are planning to quit smoking in 2012? I know one of the two main resolutions are weight loss, and to quit smoking. Both are difficult to do, especially solo. However, with some will power and a lot of hard work, both can be done. If you are serious about kicking the bad habit, maybe ask for an e-cigarette this Christmas. I have heard many great success stories from others who have used this method to quit. There are a lot of great companies out there that sell the e-cigarettes. If you are not sure which company would be best for you, you can always do a search for "electronic cigarette company", and do some research. When doing your research look for companies that guarantee their product. I have always found the companies that do offer some sort of customer guarantee are the better companies, because they are standing behind their product. I know my sister is trying to quit, and she is … [Read more...]
What to Do When You’re Too Tired to Workout
One of the great things about exercise is that it provides people with energy. It may seem like a paradox but it is true. Expending energy on exercise will give you plenty of energy in return to do other things. But sometimes, fatigue can set in even to the most seasoned exercise enthusiast. This article is for people who find themselves too tired to workout. Iron Deficiency If you are someone who regularly workouts and if you find yourself getting tired easily and experiencing excessive fatigue, there are many possible explanations to your condition. One of the first things that you need to do is to see your doctor to rule out possible health problems. One of the causes for excessive fatigue is the depletion of iron in the body. Aerobic exercise can lower iron levels in the body through sweating and leakage through the gut. It is also not uncommon for women to have low iron levels especially if they are of child bearing age already. If lack of iron is the main cause of your … [Read more...]
Home Healthcare
In 2007, my father in law passed away due to lung cancer. I watched day in and day out him trying his hardest to fight the cancer. When we first discovered cancer was the issue he was having. The doctor prepared him by telling him he was only looking at 3 to 6 months. This was one of the hardest bits of news my husband and I had to deal with together as a family. Thankfully we got a whole 13 months with him, but I personally feel it wasn't enough. My father in law was an amazing man, he always seen the brighter side of things. After seeing him go through all that, it made me want to see about going into home health, I know I will not be a miracle worker and take the pain away from those fighting cancer, but I can be there for them, more then I was my father in law. I can be there shoulder when they need someone besides family to talk to. I think though trying to start a career while my daughter is young is not going to happen I need to focus on her education, and being her momma. … [Read more...]
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Have you ever thought to yourself, "oh that will never happen to me". Only for something similar to happen to you. This exact reason is why things such as breast cancer usually go undetected. Women feel breast cancer will never happen to them, therefor they never go to their yearly mammograms. With October being breast cancer awareness month, it is time to come together as women and get the word spread so we can stomp away breast cancer. Remember, breast cancer sees no color. Below you will find some ways to help better prepare you for not only getting your check ups, but also ways to help to reduce your risks of getting breast cancer. Keep in mind just because you do lead a healthy lifestyle does not mean you will never get breast cancer. So it is still very important to keep those yearly visits to get those boobies checked out! Chicago Healers Practitioner and Holistic Physician Dr. Marilyn Mitchell, MD offers three positive perspectives to help take charge of your health and … [Read more...]
It’s funny how much time we spend considering new purchases
When it comes to making big purchases, I tend to take awhile to think about it, before I go right out and make that purchase. After I make the purchase I start to wonder if I did the right thing. My last big purchase was my car. Yes, I needed the car but the payments have been a killer. This is one purchase my stomach has been in knots in for awhile. I will be thankful when it is paid, and I no longer have to worry about the payment. I do know a lot of the reasons why I feel this way, is due to my anxiety. I would do anything not to have the mental issues I do have. I often wonder if people really do understand the things running through my head. Even with small purchases I am the same way. I remember going to Wal-mart, I had a few hundred dollars on me everything was paid for, it was income tax time, and I wanted a sewing machine. My husband was all for me getting that sewing machine, however, I didn't want to spend the $100 for it, because I felt as though I needed to use that … [Read more...]