Often times it's hard to pin point what causes depression. However, everyone lives with some sort of depression. Often times people try to deal with their depression on their own, they often feel if they tell someone how they feel, they will be labeled. For many years I hid my depression from everyone. I was so good at it, I had myself thinking I was fine. One day I went to the doctor, I was good at pretending. However, the doctor made me break, and I broke down. She new right then I was going through a lot more than what I was letting on. She even told me I was pretty good at hiding it. Did you know when you hide your feelings, it will only eat at you more, and lead to something that cannot be undone? Am I fixed? No I will never be fixed, I will always have that depression there. The depression stems way back to my childhood. However, I am learning to "deal" with it better. I am on medicine for the issue, I cannot say they help completely, but it does help some. I also won't lie … [Read more...]
Getting A Running Companion
We live in a crazy world, and on a daily basis we hear bad things about women out running and something happens. If you are wanting to lose weight, why not get a companion? I have been thinking about getting my family a dog. I think that might be what we are missing in our lives. A family dog will help keep the family active and more a live. I have been reading up about different breeds of dogs, and which breed I think would be the best fit for our family. I have found many great sites that have given me a lot of information, about proper care of dogs. I mean I would have never thought to brush a dogs teeth. I mean yea it makes since, but I thought maybe giving them certain treats would do the trick NOPE. I also know you're not supposed to give a dog certain foods. Owning pets can be a lot of work, often times more work then having a child. However, the idea of having a companion and running buddy makes all that work worth it! When we know we are ready to properly take care of … [Read more...]
Trying To Lose Weight
Summer is coming up, which means it will be a bit easier to lose weight! Whether you are going to go running, walking, or hiking. Summer can be the perfect chance to start working on your body. Remember when being in the heat to drink plenty of water! Being in the South water is a must on all days. Also remember the most important meal is breakfast, even if you are just grabbing a piece of fruit and some oatmeal. Breakfast helps get your metabolism going, and when you eat small meals throughout the day you are more likely to lose weight, verse 3 bigger meals. Losing weight can be a big challenge, however, once you get your mind focused on dropping those pounds you will be off to a great start. I am still at the struggling stage of getting that jump start. However, I know with time I will be to my goal weight before long. … [Read more...]
Trying New Products For Inflammation
It seems the older I get the more aches and pains I have! I am not one for taking pills for the pains I have. My husband has to literally make me take something for headaches. So when the doctor put me on medicine for inflammation of my knees, and informed me I will be taking it the rest of my life. I wasn't a bit happy. I am not one for taking man made medicines. I prefer the things that are all natural. That is one thing I don't understand back in the older days, people used natural products to help heal their bodies. Now we are putting more and more chemicals in our bodies to heal them. Have you ever heard of the Nopal Cactus? Well many centuries ago the native people relied on this plant to help heal their bodies. Now we are using products that do damage to our liver, and can cause major stomach issues. Now I know we all cannot grow the Nopal Cactus in our back yards to have it on hand to help heal our bodies, but luckily for us we can purchase a drink that has the health … [Read more...]
Seeking Products for Father’s Day
It will not be long, and we will be honoring those special men in our lives. Fathers' play a very important role in our children's lives, not only are they usually the providers, but they are also the protectors. I mean no-one will chase those boys away from our daughters' better than their daddies, right? Daddies deserve at least one day of the year to see how special they are. So if you have that product that you would love see featured on Dizzy Mommy Chronicles, that will make those daddies feel special, please feel free to contact me for more details! I am open to review all products geared towards dads. Let's make this a Father's Day to remember! … [Read more...]
Time For Graduations
If you have yet to send out those graduation invitations you may want to get on that as soon as possible. In roughly 3 more weeks those high school seniors will be graduating with honors. I remember when I graduated high school. While it seems like just yesterday it was really many years ago. Mom made sure everything was perfect. She had graduation announcements sent out months a head of time. Which was pretty smart. If you are planning a big party for your child, this will help you better plan and prepare. Mom made sure those attending made reservations so that she knew how much of everything she was going to need. Remember, the whole senior class will be graduating so if you are doing a party afterwards, try to plan accordingly. Often times graduates and their friends are having parties at the same time so they often get torn because they are unable to attend their friends party. Also, don't be alarmed if the graduate leaves his or her own party a bit early to go hang out with … [Read more...]
Oven Is Fixed!
Right before we got back to TN we were informed our oven was no longer working. I was not at all happy, I use the oven a lot and it made me more mad because they didn't bother to tell us. I am assuming it went out months ago. They told us what had happened and after looking online I noticed the part I was going to need was the bake element. This part can be pretty pricey if you don't know where to shop. Thank goodness for ebay. They have saved the day, and always seem to come to the rescue. I found the part I needed for 8.95 + 8.95 for shipping. Not to bad considering several places wanted over $45. I ordered the part on the 19th, and wasn't expecting it until Monday or Tuesday. Well it came today! So I went and got some oven cleaner, and scrubbed the oven! Put the part in and toda, my oven works! I am so excited because I use the oven a lot, and I would be lost with out it. How many of you depend on your oven? Would you know what to do if it stopped working on you? I was … [Read more...]
Spreading Out
This guest post from Lewis Beck Business in the first quarter has been growing rapidly and we are quickly outgrowing our office space, i.e., my living room. To keep up with demand I have begun looking at leasing an office. It’s tough to find something that meets my needs now but fits with my ideas for expansion over the next few years. I don’t want to spend more money than I have to now but I also would prefer not to move again in the next couple of years. Moving from working from home to having an actual office is a big deal. Not only do you have rent to pay but you aso have to pay for your utilities including small business xo. As long as I’ve been working from the house I have been able to use my “existing” facilities and utilities. I sat down with an accountant and looked at the numbers closely to make sure it was affordable. It definitely is and should become even more so when we are able to increase our productivity due to having more space! … [Read more...]
How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin
Skin problems can be a real nuisance at times. Oily skin plagues many of us on a daily basis. If you're like me you may always be on the lookout for new and practical ways to address your oily skin problems. How to get rid of oily skin can be quite an adventure. There's a huge variety of products to chose from to help oily skin sufferers. With so many products out there it's difficult to choose which one is best for you.But don't jump to purchase the most expensive skin care product out there without first getting to the root cause of the problem. If you have oily skin into adulthood then chances are that it's both hereditary and environmental. Our hormones are what play the biggest role in our skin's oil production. Poor diet and exercise is one thing that can contribute to this. But as stated before it can simply be in your genes. While you cant change your DNA you can take some steps to figure out exactly how to get rid of your oily skin. Your skin requires water to live and … [Read more...]
The Emotional Impact of Anxiety Disorders
Picture yourself working in a retail store. You try to maintain focus on the task at hand but something is eating away at you. You feel as though you are being watched by everyone. And perhaps those people you think are watching you think you are ugly, different or maybe they think you smell bad. You cant quite keep your thoughts straight. You are worried if someone approaches you, that you may say something awkward or wrong. This may sound like some sort of nightmare but this is the reality of my social phobia. I know that I'm good looking, clean and fresh smelling. But yet I still carry these thoughts in my head when I'm put into a new social situation. My husband reinforces my self image on a daily basis. He tells me how beautiful I am. And I know I'm not ugly, nor do I stink. But beautiful? I don't see what he sees. My husband actually gets depressed about my poor self image and social anxiety disorder. The emotional impact of anxiety disorders can have a heavy toll on a … [Read more...]