Does money issues have you putting those credit cards on hold? Has it got so bad where you have stopped paying credit cards? Did you know there are places out there that can help you lower those bills so you can pay them. I knew long ago I would be bad when it came to those credit cards so I never got one. Having one would be great for emergency reasons; however, those who get them for that reason end up charging them up for other non-emergency items. Don't let that credit card debt keep piling up, and stop those annoying calls by making plans to pay off that debt. With Christmas coming up most will probably be going over board and making several charges, if at all possible try saving so much out of your pay check each week and make this holiday a non credit card one, if you don't have the cash for the item, don't get it. How many of you have several credit cards? … [Read more...]
Monster High Costumes
We went to Walmart last night and they had a display where the Monster High Costumes once were. It looks as though every little girl in the county will be going as those Monster High girls. Last year my daughter went as lagoona blue. This year they have more costumes, and Monster High has become a bit more popular. I can say this much at least when we go to the store we have a selection of Monster High dolls now. Before as soon as they hit the shelves they were sold and on ebay with jacked up prices. I remember when the $22 sweet 1600 car was on ebay for almost $80 dollars. I mean really some people are worse then the people running our oil supply and gas stations. My daughter never got into Barbie dolls, so when the Monster High dolls came out I wasn't sure she would actually play with them once she got them. To my surprise she places with them for hours at a time. She has roughly 22 thankfully she earned the money from Grandma and Grandpa, to purchase most of them. I think … [Read more...]
Music Festivals
Infographic Provided by EquipSupply Music events can be a great way to help raise money for different things in your community. If you are wanting to host a music festival make sure to check into getting event supplies and concession machines. Having these items will help make your event a huge success. … [Read more...]
Halloween Safety
It will not be much longer and the kids will be dressing up in those spooky costumes to go to those Halloween events. As parents we need to make sure we practice safety. When picking out Halloween costumes this year make sure the costumes are not to long so they will fall, and if anything is going over their faces make sure they can see. Our small town has done away with trick or treating, and the community has all come together to do a small event at the ballpark. I miss the old traditional Halloweens. When we were kids we would have a blast going door to door, now things are a bit unsafe. Last year was our last year going trick or treating, our daughter is now 11 and has no interest. I am glad her last year was done with her cousins in Michigan. We all had fun walking the cold streets. That is one thing I will never forget trick or treating in the colder states sometimes you go out in the snow! This year remember safety first. … [Read more...]
Internet Sports Gaming Brings The Fun of The Field To Home Entertainment
On-line gaming is enjoyed by millions of people all around the world. Today's sports gaming choices covers virtually any sport you can think of. While traditional sports games are still the most played, other sports games are increasing in popularity. When you think of sports games, basketball, baseball and football are most likely the first ones that come to mind. Surprisingly, many other types of sports games have become Internet favorites within the gaming community. Rugby games have become a popular sport game among students and young adults for its exciting game play and fast paced action. The fun and competitive nature of rugby has also become available to Internet gamers as well. This is a great example of a less mainstream sport that has become a popular genre on gaming websites and to traditional video games. Unlike many other sports, rugby got its name from the school that invented it. This may be the reason for its huge popularity among students. Originating in the … [Read more...]
As I've been working on 'de -junking' my house and getting my family to eat healthy I was introduced to a brilliant candy called UNREAL. First, a bit of information:UNREAL™ exists because a thirteen year old boy asked one Halloween why candy needs to be so unhealthy. After an argument with his father, he did a bit of research only to find that candy is filled with bad things like hydrogenated oils and artificial colors and flavors. And what’s worse, he found out that those ingredients don’t make candy taste better, they simply make it cheaper to produce. Nicky believed that candy without the junk could be made and that it would taste better. And he and his father and brother decided to prove it. And they did. UNREAL™ provides many of the great flavor combinations we love in our treats, but without the corn syrup, without the partially hydrogenated oils, without the GMOs, without the artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives, and with 40% less sugar per serving on … [Read more...]
Vote to Label GMO’s
So as most of you know I'm part of a FANTASTIC group of Mom's in a community called Mamavation. Mamavation™ is a online docudrama and weight loss support group for moms in social media. It’s both a campaign and Virtual Sorority™ in one. Leah posted on Mamavations site about the importance of Labeling GMO's, and I wanted to share it with you. One million. That is the amount of signatures it took to get GMO labeling on the California ballot. And it’s going to take a million more people to vote, give, and support the movement till the November election to win. Our basic purpose revolves around freedom and transparency. We have the right to know what is in our food. Label GMOs and give the people a choice. The CA Right to Know Initiative, or Prop 37 on the California ballot, was created by the people. Several other states have tried and failed, but California is different because of the initiative process. California actually allows it’s own citizens to create laws. That … [Read more...]
The Health And Dietary Benefits of Phytonutrients
Foods that contain phytonutrients include fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, seeds and nuts. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and provide phytonutrients health benefits to those that consume them. Although all plant based foods contain phytonutrients, some contain larger amounts than others. How Phytonutrients Work in The Body The chemical plant compounds known as phytonutrients provide protection for plants against harmful UV rays, insects and diseases. In the human body these compounds supply the body with powerful antioxidants known to help prevent cancer, clean the liver and reduce inflammation. Powerful Phytonutrient Rich Foods Many foods contain phytonutrients. You have probably heard of the antioxidant benefits provides by blueberries or the dietary benefits of legumes and beans. What many people are unaware of however, is that these health benefits come from the food's phytonutrient content. In addition to providing health promoting compounds, many … [Read more...]
71 More Days!
Can you believe there is only 71 more days until Christmas! Where has this year gone, it seems like just yesterday we were moving back to Tennessee. I know it doesn't feel like 2012 is almost over with. However, I can say I am glad 2012 is drawing to a close. 2012 has so far been a pretty blah year for almost everyone I know. How many of you have started Christmas shopping? Not me I do have a few things in mind, but whether I purchase them or not is a different story. I am learning to crochet so family members around these neck of the woods will be getting dishrags. I know how much everyone loves washing dishes HAHA. Yea I know I dislike them dishes too, but washing dishes isn't so bad with a nice new crocheted dish rag. My husband likes to use them to wash his face. So I will be doing a nice stockpile for him as well. Few bucks few hours of fun, and we have use eco-friendly cleaning rags. They work great for dusting and scrubbing. See I get items that make cleaning … [Read more...]
Summer Camp
When I was younger every summer we went off to camp. Summer camp was only two weeks long, but it was always the best two weeks of summer. From the time we got there until the time we left we were always doing something. Whether is be in the arts and craft building polishing rocks, making friendship bracelets, or down by the lake having a camp fire and singing the peanut butter and jelly song. I remember having to get up first thing in the morning shower and then march to the cafeteria for breakfast. Me on the other hand before I hit the showers, I ran down to the lake to do some polar bearing with a few other of my camp buddies. I actually got the polar bear certificate, because every morning I hit the cold great lakes. Looking back at it now, that was plan crazy, but I was a kid and kids do those crazy things. When it comes to sending your kids off to camp, it's important that you know where you're sending them. Tips On Trips And Camps will help you a long the way. Allowing your … [Read more...]