Ditch The Scales!

There’s nothing worse than trying to decide on a goal when you are losing weight. Trying to figure out what is healthy for you and for your height is hard! What if a healthy weight for your height makes you look ill? What if your idea of healthy is actually clinically overweight? Weight is a minefield. So, let’s put the goal weight to one side, and think about health instead. Fat and muscle are very different. Muscle is lean and fat is, well, not. As muscle is lean, it takes up less space than fat, and therefore you could have two people that weigh the same, but look very different because one person is made up of mostly muscle and the other isn’t. Health is very different to weight and before you embark on your journey toward a goal, you should check out TopWorkoutPrograms for an idea of how you can get to physically healthy. A scale will not tell you how healthy you are, simply what you weigh. Your body is made of bones, fat, muscle and fluid and you have to adjust your health … [Read more...]

Choosing the Right Fitness Trainer

Finding the right fitness trainer for your needs can be a tough task. There is a lot that you have to think of before choosing the trainer that is best for you and your particular situation. Let’s take a few minutes to look at some of the considerations that you should keep in mind when selecting trainer to assist you with reaching your fitness goals. These things will help you to make sure you are hiring the right trainer who will be able to help you reach the goals you have now and more advanced ones that you may develop in the future. COST Obviously, the level of skill, and education that the fitness trainer possesses is an important consideration, but obviously the cost of their services is also an important thing to keeping mind when making your choice. While you may find a trainer, who has everything that you are looking for, that does not good if you just cannot afford them. It’s important to know what the trainer’s rates are before you keep too far into the interview … [Read more...]

Do You Believe These Workout Lies?

The world of fitness is full of people giving all sorts of different pieces of advice. Now, most of the time this is a pretty straightforwardly positive thing. After all, without people around to point you in the right direction, it's incredibly easy to end up failing to properly understand what you need to do in order to get the most out of your workout. It's also incredibly good that there are people out there who make it their business to try and educate others about the right and wrong ways to exercise. However, for every piece of good advice floating around, there are just as many, if not more, pieces of absolutely terrible advice that can waste people's time, money, and even put their health at risk. In order to avoid that happening to you, here are some of the most common workout lies that you might have heard, and why they're nonsense. "No pain no gain!" This may well be the single most iconic phrase in the entire fitness world. You see it on the covers of books, in … [Read more...]

The Best Way To Get Fit When You Have No Time

You already know that looking after yourself and eating well should be one of the biggest priorities regardless of where you are in life. Whether it’s after having a baby or you work 70-plus hours a week, it is difficult to find the time to do it, something crops up, or you’re just too tired. It’s always too easy to weasel out of working out when your baby takes priority, or you’ve just got too much to do, so how can you get that exercise in? Schedule A Workout You schedule in appointments for everything else, why don’t you schedule your workout too? If you’ve got a young baby, discounting the first frazzled few months, you have got them into a routine now, and you know when they sleep, so work around that. And as time is of the essence, you know that you need to make that workout count. There are many workout routines that have been created for busy people to do at home that hits the key body parts, and it’s all about picking the right one for you. The Body Beast workout is one that … [Read more...]

How Much THC Should Medical Cannabis Include To Benefit Patients?

THC in medical cannabis provides the euphoric high so many love. The cannabinoid is one of two main compounds in marijuana, both of which provide benefits for a number of conditions and diseases. How much THC is necessary to help the patient depends on the person’s history of cannabis use and the condition or ailment. It is therefore challenging to determine a general THC guideline to obtain said benefits. However, the following is recommended to determine what is right for your health needs: Cannabis Products The first step in figuring out how much THC you need depends on how you wish to use a THC product. Cannabis “flower” or “weed” generally features lower concentrations of THC than oils, tinctures, capsules, and edibles such as gummy candy. Flowers also provide a steady rise in THC levels instead of hitting the body all at once, the way gummy candies or tinctures do. Lower Doses Starting with a lower dose from a reputable medical marijuana delivery company is always recommended … [Read more...]

CBD Oil Oral Spray Benefits and Applications

CBD oil mouth spray is one new cannabis product that is very exciting for those who want to experience marijuana plant effects without getting stoned or high. CBD stands for cannabidiol which is one of the elements, or cannabinoids, present in cannabis. There are between 60 to 80 different cannabinoids and, along with THC, CBD is a main one. THC in cannabis provides the psychoactive high people experience after smoking. CBD does not provide any high, instead, it delivers a feeling of overall calm and relaxation. There are also many studies that have documented CBD’s ability to help with a wide variety of diseases. CBD is legal for purchase from sites like American Hemp Oil. CBD comes in the form of oil or edibles, but the oral spray is a new option for use. Each spray delivers approximately about 1 mg per two sprays so number of sprays would depend on the dosage. For treating anxiety, it may be helpful to have a couple of sprays when anxious periods occur, which could be … [Read more...]

Research Findings: Effects of CBD on Cirrhosis

What is Cirrhosis? For those who have hepatitis or have abused alcohol for many years, cirrhosis is a real concern. It is even a concern for people who have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated with obesity and diabetes as these can also cause cirrhosis down the road. The liver is responsible for detoxifying your body from harmful substances, keeping the blood clean, and making nutrients that are important for your body to function. Cirrhosis is scarring from damage done to the liver that makes it difficult for the liver to do its job properly. It can be a life-threatening condition in the advanced stages, but there is hope if it is caught early and treatments are started. Some of the symptoms of cirrhosis include itchy skin, appetite loss, swollen legs, fluid buildup in the stomach area, fatigue, bleeding and bruising, and breakouts of blood vessels close to the top layers of the skin. Some causes of cirrhosis are inherited as is the case with cystic fibrosis, but … [Read more...]

Get Your Body Back In Shape After Baby

The first few months after having a baby can fly by. After all, you are trying to get into some form of routine with your newborn. But after a couple of months, it’s time to turn your attention back on you. After all, you have likely put your own health on the backburner since having a baby. In fact, a lot of new moms admit to skipping meals and having little sleep when they have a newborn to look after. But for the sake of your health, you need to take care of yourself. After all, you can then be the best mommy possible to your baby. And one way you can boost your health is by working on your body. After all, starting to remove the excess fat that remains after having your newborn is an excellent way to start getting your health on track. In fact, here are some ways you can get your body back in shape after baby! Time to work on your diet The first thing you need to do is look at your diet. It’s easy for it to go a bit wayward after having a newborn. After all, you might only be … [Read more...]

How to Fight Anxiety Naturally and Get Your Life Back on Track

Anxiety affects over 40 million adults in the U.S. Over the past decade, it has become the most common mental health issue in America. It is estimated that nearly 30 percent of suffers are misdiagnosed, or ignore their condition. Only one third receive treatment. In the long run, anxiety can get worse and trigger depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders, and chronic stress. Before popping pills, try to fight anxiety naturally. From regular exercise and herbal supplements to yoga, there are plenty of ways to relieve your symptoms. Here are some tips to help you beat this condition and get your life back on track: Get Active Physical activity is your best ally against stress and anxiety. Studies indicate that working out for as little as 30 minutes boosts serotonin levels in the brain. Also known as the happiness hormone, serotonin balances your emotions and lifts your mood. Even a short walk can positively impact how you feel. If you can't make it to the gym, consider other … [Read more...]

The Healthy Mom: How Having Kids Can Enhance Your Wellness Lifestyle

When you become a Mom, you give over a part of your life to the raising of your children. There's a lot of societal talk about "having it all" - Moms that retain their identity and their life while raising kids. It's a seductive thought, too - and most of us strive to keep something that makes us, well, us. It's not the best idea psychologically to completely absorb yourself in the task of raising your children. For one thing, you're just setting yourself up for a nasty future case of "empty nest syndrome." Nevertheless, what are the reasons you became a Mom? Did you do it so you could have it all, change your life as little as possible and still do all the things you could have done if you weren't a Mom? Or did you do it because you liked the idea of how your life would change? You knew, acknowledged and wanted to raise a child and see them through to adulthood. So if you knew what you were getting into, it makes sense to want to balance the Mom you with the old you. You're the … [Read more...]