Is It Worth It? #MyGuestBlog

Recently, I decided to start accepting guest articles from If you've never heard of this site before it's a site, that offers free content for your site, through different guest bloggers. I thought this would be a great way to get more content on Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. However, I was skeptical about doing this at first, so I decided to go small, and I accepted 3 posts. Shortly after receiving those post and publishing them, I received a notification from Google stating this... Google Webmaster Tools notice of detected unnatural links on I then noticed I had lost PR to Dizzy Mommy Chronicles! This was all due to accepting free guest posts via, this didn't just happen to me, this happened to several other bloggers as well. When we reached out to Ann, the creator/founder of our comments were removed. If Ms. Ann, felt as though her site is honest and followed Google guidelines, and she had nothing to … [Read more...]