End of 5th Grade

Wow, I cannot believe it, we only have 17 more school days until we are officially on Summer break! It always seems like the school year flies. One thing I like about being a homeschooling family, is that we have so much freedom, and we can make everyday living a part of schooling. This year our daughter started too cook, she started to learn about green living, and she's working on a garden with her dad. So even though the school calendar year is over, our daughter will still be learning. That's a great part about home schooling, we can sneak in schooling everyday, and since it's fun, our children have no clue that it's school. Where as if she was going to public school her brain would be on standstill until the following school year. This homeschooling journey has not been an easy one, but I don't regret for one minute that we as a family decided to go this route. Homeschooling families are sometimes looked down upon, we are often judged, and people like to talk about how we … [Read more...]